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This is from my second novel in my scifi series. The free on Kindle promotion ended. But, I'll continue to post chapters here for a bit while I'm working on my third one, which I plan to be a collection of shorter stories from Ariana's career. Feedback is always welcome.
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This is my favorite chapter in the book. I hope you like it too!
Chapter 13
Ariana woke up to the soft beeping of her alarm and quickly realized she wasn’t alone in bed. She looked down and saw a long blue arm over her body and she felt the naked body of Kwils behind her. Ariana turned over to face Kwils and looked into her soft green eyes and before she could say anything Kwils said “Are you all right? You were rolling all around in your sleep, so I got in bed with you and held you against me until you were calm again.”
Ariana reached around Kwils and hugged her tightly and said “I fell asleep thinking about our mission and all the different possibilities. Like the Admiral said, it will be very dangerous, so I was just trying to think ahead. Thank you so much for calming me down. I feel very relaxed. Please tell me about your lunch.”
Kwils said “The Admiral was so nice. He is very proud of Neto. He couldn’t stop talking about it. And Trina is the same way. She is so nice too. She is one of the pilots on the Hopper and will be following us on our mission. They both wanted to hear the story about Neto’s medal but he was a little embarrassed to talk about it. I told them how he saved my life when the super capacitor exploded and how he pushed me to safety even though he could have easily been killed himself. Honestly, I still can’t believe he did it. He’s so wonderful!”
Ariana interjected “Yes. I agree. We are lucky to have him serving with us. Sorry to interrupt. What else were you about to say?”
Kwils added “Oh, I was just going to say that we had something called lasagna for lunch. I almost passed out it was so good. Do you like that?”
Ariana said “Yes. It’s very good. It makes me feel warm and happy all over.”
Kwils said “Yes. That’s exactly it. It’s so good.” Then Kwils said “I hope you had a good meeting with the Admiral.”
Ariana said “Yes. It was very nice getting to spend time with her. Even though it’s been several years since I’ve seen her, it was very comfortable being with her again.”
Kwils then asked “Did you get to spend time on the beach with her?”
Ariana said “Yes we did. We had a very good time there. How did you guess?”
Kwils kissed Ariana and said “You left our harness out. It made me happy to see it and know that you were able to have a nice time with her.”
Ariana kissed her back and said “It definitely was, and we have an invitation to go to her beach house together when we return to Earth. I hope you will still be interested to come with me there.”
Kwils said “I definitely am excited to do that.”
Ariana reluctantly released Kwils from her hug and said “We should get ready for our formal dinner.”
Kwils said “Yes, I am looking forward to it.” She released Ariana from her hug too.
They got up, cleaned up and put on their new dress uniforms. Ariana helped Kwils attach the ribbon for her Tane Georgis medal properly, and she attached all of her own ribbons too. They looked at each other in the mirror and Kwils said “You look very nice in your blue and gold uniform.”
Ariana smiled and said “Thank you. I honestly can’t wait to get out of it. I feel both proud and a little embarrassed to wear it and showing off all of the medals.”
Kwils reached down and squeezed Ariana’s hand and said “You should be proud. My father likes to say that it is recognition not really of him, but of all the people he has served with over the years.”
Ariana squeezed Kwils hand back and said “Thank you for saying that. I will try and remember. Your father is clearly a very smart man. Let’s go to the kitchen and tell Neto we are finally ready.”
Kwils and Ariana walked down the short passageway to the kitchen and Neto was already there standing in his dress uniform. Kwils said “Hi Neto. You look very handsome. Don’t you think so Captain?”
Ariana said “Yes. Very, but let me fix your ribbon.” Ariana went over and turned the ribbon for his Daly medal over so it was oriented correctly.
Neto smiled and said “Thank you. I fixed us some Karetta to drink together before we go. Is that all right?”
Ariana picked up her glass and said “That’s a very good idea. Let me make a toast. To the Fortuna, may it keep the best crew I have ever served with safe.”
And she drank her pink beverage. Kwils and Neto did the same. Kwils said “Thank you Captain. It is an honor to learn from you. Don’t you think so Neto?”
He said “Yes ma’am. I definitely agree.”
The three of them left the Fortuna through the airlock and went onto the docking area of the Hopper. Lieutenant Warren was there waiting in his dress uniform. He came over to them and saluted. Ariana returned his salute and said “Thank you for meeting us Lieutenant. Shall we go to the dinner?”
He said “Yes ma’am. Please follow me.” They made their way through the ship to the large conference room that had been set up with many round tables and the room was already crowded. Lieutenant Warren led them through the room to where his aunt, Admiral Cansina was standing in her silver and light blue Admiral’s dress.
Cansina smiled and said “Glad to see you again. Please get something to drink and we will get started soon. Lieutenant Warren will show you where to sit.”
They first went over to the bar area and each got a glass of sparkling wine and then Lieutenant Warren showed them to the table where they would be sitting. He said “Both Admirals will be seated here as well. Please enjoy yourselves. Let me know if you need anything.”
Ariana said “Thank you again Lieutenant. I’m sure we will be fine. Please enjoy yourself as well.” As the three of them were standing together by the table, Neto’s sister Trina came over to join them. She was a bit shorter than Neto and had her blond hair fashioned into a short braid. Ariana said “Hello Pilot. It is good to see you again.”
Trina said “Thank you ma’am. It is good to see you. I still remember your talk at my graduation. It was quite inspiring.”
Ariana said “That is kind of you to say. It was equally inspiring to see all the brave young officers ready to join the scouts.”
Trina smiled and also blushed a little. “Thank you ma’am. We all just try and model ourselves after you.” Then she turned to Kwils and said “I have checked and there will be music after dinner. We will definitely be able to do some dancing together.”
Admiral Cansina picked up a microphone and announced “Please find your seats and we will get started.”
Admiral Weldon joined Admiral Cansina at the table with the crew of the Fortuna and Neto’s sister Trina. Then the Naylorian, Dr Neuth came up and said “I am lucky enough to join you.”
They all sat down and Ariana said “How was the cricket tournament this year?”
Neuth smiled and said “It was amazing. We were lucky to escape with a victory in the last innings. I hope you will be able to attend next year. It is always good to see you there.”
Ariana replied “I am eager to attend again. I have told my crew about the annual tournament on TerraNaylor and they want to attend as well.”
Neuth said “That would be wonderful. It is always special to have more guests there.”
The rest of the meal passed with more light conversation. After all of the dishes had been cleared away, Cansina stood up and spoke into her microphone, “May I have your attention everyone? I hope we all got enough to eat. I would like to thank the kitchen crew of the Hopper for the delicious food.”
She paused while all those present clapped or pounded the table. The she continued “As you know we are here tonight to celebrate the treaties and alliance with our new friends the Kranlians. We are truly honored that a member of their legions has joined with our Scouts for this mission.” She paused again while all those present clapped or pounded the table.
Ariana looked over to Kwils to see her cheeks had actually turned purple from embarrassment and she had a firm hold on Neto’s hand.
Cansina continued “It is a very rare event where two recipients of the esteemed Tane Georgis medal are present. Both Lieutenant Kwils and Dr. Neuth should be recognized for their contributions to the Federation.”
The applause got even louder and Ariana looked over to see Kwils was visibly shaking and now had a firm hold on Trina’s hand as well. Dr. Neuth got up and put his hand on Kwils shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She looked up at him and mouthed “Thank you.” Many of those present used their personal devices to take a snapshot of the two together.
After the applause died down, Cansina spoke further “During the mission, there was nearly a terrible accident, and it was only through the quick action and uncommon bravery that at least one death was averted. I am wondering Admiral Weldon, you have a better knowledge of history than I do. How many times in the history of the Scouts has someone on their first mission been awarded the Daly medal?”
Admiral Weldon stood and spoke into the microphone as Cansina held it out to him “That has never happened before.”
Cansina then said “That is what I’d thought. So we are very fortunate to have him in attendance tonight so that we can thank him for his bravery and contributions to our new alliance.” The applause was now actually thundering but you could still hear Weldon and Trina shouting over it.
After several minutes it quieted down and Cansina continued “It is always a welcome event to be in the presence of the most decorated member of the Scouts. I was lucky enough to have witnessed many of her selfless acts of bravery first hand when we served together. We would not be celebrating here tonight if Captain Ariana, by way of her calm and quick thinking had not saved her ship and crew, and continued on throughout her negotiations with the Kranlian officials. It is my great honor and privilege to award Captain Ariana the Federation Medal for bravery and service to the Terran Federation.”
Cansina then opened a box and took out the full medal and somehow found a spot on Ariana’s jacket to pin it. Cansina then saluted Ariana and Ariana returned it. The applause and table pounding in the room was now deafening and everyone in the room was taking snapshots with their devices.
Ariana leaned in to Cansina’s ear and whispered “I hate you.” Cansina smiled and whispered back “I love you too.”
When the room quieted down Cansina handed the microphone to Ariana and she began to speak “Thank you for the kind words Admiral. It is an honor which I can only accept on behalf of my crew. I have been very lucky in my career to have served with many brave men and women. It started with my first commander Captain Camm who lost his life during the explosions on the Shreveport, and continues on with my latest crew members. I always remember that we can’t do anything without our crew and that there’s nothing we can’t do with them. So please join me in drinking a toast to Captain Camm and all the other brave men and women who are no longer with us.”
There were very few dry eyes and it was nearly quiet in the room until a woman in a white chef’s uniform at the back raised her glass and said “To Captain Camm!” The room then echoed with those same words as Ariana dropped the microphone and went running to the broadly smiling woman and leapt into her arms.
After a lengthy hug, Ariana finally said “Chef Singh!!! It is so wonderful to see you. Why are you here?”
Singh replied “When Admiral Cansina told me what was happening; you couldn’t stop me from coming.”
Ariana said “I’m so glad to see you. I just told my crew about the Shreveport and they will be so glad to meet you in person.”
As Ariana started to go back to their table Singh stopped her and said “I think there is someone else who wants to see you too.” The door behind Chef Singh swung open and a large man with an even larger smile stepped through.
Ariana literally screamed “Ezeki!”
And he said “Ariana that was the best speech I ever heard. I haven’t cried so much since I was a little boy.” And they embraced in a hug as well
Ariana said through her own tears “It is so good to see you both. You have made me so happy by coming so far to surprise me and be with me. Please come meet my crew.”
The three of them walked back through the crowd to Ariana’s table and she introduced Singh and Ezeki around the table. Kwils, Neto and Trina stood in silent admiration before Kwils finally spoke “It is such an honor to meet you both. Captain Ariana told us of the events on the Shreveport. The colonists were so lucky that you were there to save them.”
Ezeki smiled and said “Well really, Ariana and I didn’t do anything. We were just lucky Chef Singh is so lethal with her rolling pin.”
They all laughed at that, even Admiral Cansina. The staff began to move tables from the middle of the room and music began to play.
Trina grabbed Kwils hand, smiled and said “Let’s see what my clumsy little brother has taught you.” Kwils giggled and Neto laughed as Trina led Kwils out onto the dance floor.
The stocky Naylorian Dr. Neuth went over to Chef Singh and asked her to dance. She said “Only if you tell me all about the last cricket tournament.”
Neuth grinned and said “Just try and stop me.” As they went onto the dance floor together,
Ariana held her hand out to Ezeki and said “Shall we join them?”
Only Neto and the two Admirals were left at the table and Admiral Weldon looked up at Neto and then over at Admiral Cansina. Neto raised his eyebrows and Weldon mouthed “Ask her.” Neto shook his head, but Weldon persisted and finally Neto stammered out “Admiral, would you like to join me on the dance floor?”
Cansina looked over at him and said “Thank you Pilot, I’d like that very much.” She held out her hand for him, and Neto led her out on to the dance floor. He put one hand on her back and held her hand with the other as they moved slowly together to the music.
As the song stopped Neto went to release her and go back to the table, Cansina didn’t let go and said “That was very nice, can we dance once more?”
Neto said “Yes ma’am. I’d enjoy that too.”
Cansina smiled and said “My name is Cansina. You can use it while we dance. And I wouldn’t mind if you held me a bit closer.”
Neto smiled back and said “Sorry Cansina.” And he pulled her in close to his body.
Cansina moved his one hand a little lower on her side and whispered in his ear “Sorry about that. I’m actually a bit ticklish there.” As Cansina and Neto danced to the slow music, she put her head on his shoulder and said “Thank you so much for asking me to dance. Everyone is always afraid to ask me.”
Neto took his time and said “I was actually afraid too, but you looked so pretty tonight I thought everyone would like to see you on the dance floor.”
Cansina said “That’s very sweet. Thank you.” Then she kissed him on his cheek and whispered “I wouldn’t mind if you and your beautiful girlfriend wanted to join me in my room tonight.”
Neto tried not to pass out from shock and just held Cansina even closer and whispered back “I’m sure we would both love to spend time together with you.” And he kissed her back on her cheek. The music ended again and Neto released Cansina from his arms and she let him go this time. The music started again and he looked around the floor to find Kwils and Trina still dancing together and he went over and tapped Trina on her shoulder and asked if he could dance with Kwils.
Trina said “Of course. Kwils is quite a good dancer. You and Ariana have done a commendable job teaching her.”
Kwils laughed and said “Trina is amazing. I felt like I was floating around the floor. Thank you for the wonderful dances.” Then Kwils hugged Trina and kissed her.
Trina returned the kiss and said “The pleasure really was all mine. It was great fun. Don’t let my clumsy brother step on your feet too much.” They all laughed again as Trina left the dance floor.
Neto then took Kwils into his arms and they moved together to the music and Trina went back to the table where Ariana and Ezeki were seated again laughing about something. Back out of the dance floor Neto whispered in Kwils’ ear “While I was dancing with Admiral Cansina, she asked if we wanted to join her in her rooms tonight. What do you think?”
Kwils spun around to find Cansina standing and talking with a few other officers and whispered back “She’s very beautiful. I would like that very much if it is all right with you?”
Neto said “I agree. She is quite pretty, but I am a little scared that I might make a big mess with her.”
Kwils kissed him and said “I know what you mean. If Captain Kartina invited me to her bed, I would probably faint right in the spot. It’s probably harder for you if you’re nervous.”
Neto laughed at Kwils’ terrible joke and said “That’s awful, but so true. What should we do?”
Kwils said “Go bring her something to drink and that will let her know. I will wait here and watch.”
Neto returned to Kwils and said “The Admiral said she’d be ready in 15 minutes and wants us to meet her at her room.” They watched as Cansina put down her glass and left the room. Kwils and Neto waited together nervously for the minutes to pass. It seemed like forever before they left and followed Cansina out and made their way to her rooms.
Kwils tentatively pressed the button by the door to announce their arrival. They heard Cansina say “Who is it?”
Neto gulped and Kwils said “It’s Neto and Kwils. Are we too soon?” Cansina didn’t say anything but the door slid open. Kwils and Neto stepped in to the dimly lit room and looked around as the door slid shut behind them. They looked around and saw Cansina laying completely nude in a seductive pose with her hands over her head and her legs bent at the knees placed together.
She said “Please come over and try and forget that I’m an Admiral.”
Neto started to say “Yes m…” before Kwils elbowed him hard and said “Cansina you look so beautiful. Thank you for letting us join you tonight.”
Kwils walked over to the bed pulling Neto behind her and leaned down to kiss Cansina. Kwils moved down to Cansina’s tan round breasts and took one of her hard brown nipples into her mouth and reached back and pulled Neto down to kiss Cansina on her lips. Cansina put her arms around Neto as they kissed and Kwils reached down and slid her hands between Cansina’s legs and rubbed the top of her rapidly moistening pussy.
Cansina sat up and reached over and pushed Neto’s jacket off and said to Kwils “That feels really good, but I’m the only one naked here. Want to help me take his clothes off?”
Kwils smiled and said “Definitely. And thank you for making it so nice and warm in here. Most of the ship is pretty cold for me.”
As Cansina moved to undo Neto’s pants and pull them down she said “Yes, I read the reports about the temperature back in Kranlia and I wanted us to be comfortable.”
Kwils moved over and kissed Cansina before helping Neto off with his shirt and tie. Cansina pulled down Neto’s undershorts to reveal his already hard cock and Kwils said “Isn’t it beautiful. Don’t you want to suck it?”
As Cansina slowly stroked Neto’s cock she said “It is magnificent, and we will suck it together once you’re naked too.”
Cansina looked up at the groaning Neto and said “Shall we take your beautiful girlfriend’s clothes off?” Neto was afraid to say anything unless he accidentally said ma’am or Admiral. So he just helped Kwils off with her jacket and blouse while Cansina worked on Kwils skirt.
As they were taking her clothes off, Kwils said “You will notice my anatomy is somewhat different down there than yours. I hope it is all right for you.”
Cansina looked up at Kwils and said “Now you’re just trying to get me more excited than I already am.”
Cansina slid down Kwils’ sexy black panties to reveal her two hairless pussies and she said “That’s so sexy. I can’t wait to kiss them both!”
Kwils gasped as Cansina slid a finger inside her already wet upper pussy and said “That’s so good. My upper one is mainly for pleasure similar to your sexy clit, though both are quite pleasurable during sex. Your fingers are getting me very excited, but I really want to suck Neto’s cock now. Can we do that together?”
Cansina said “Yes, but what if he doesn’t want us to suck his cock.”
Neto was still a little nervous to say anything but just reached over to Cansina and Kwils’ heads and pulled them to his cock. Cansina kissed the head and looked up and said “I love that you’re so assertive. That’s so sexy.”
Neto took the hint and pushed his cock into her mouth and said “Suck my cock, Cansina.” Kwils looked up at Neto and smiled. Then she moved to kiss and lick the shaft of his cock and Neto was slowly moving it in and out of Cansina’s pinkish tan lips.
After a few of the slow thrusts Cansina looked up and said “You can fuck my mouth faster if you want to.”
Neto pulled Cansina’s head back and began to fuck his cock in and out of her mouth a bit faster. Kwils moved away from his cock and slid underneath Cansina so she could lick and finger her pussy. Cansina was about to say something but Neto had his hand behind her head and was pushing his cock nearly all the way into her mouth now, so she just mumbled a moan. Neto finally got his cock all the way into Cansina’s mouth and Kwils was licking and fingering Cansina’s pussy. Cansina’s body began to shake with an orgasm from Kwils expert attentions and she was so excited that she clenched her teeth down onto Neto’s cock. That firm bite pushed Neto over the edge too and he released a huge load of come down Cansina’s throat as he held on tight to her head.
Cansina had finally unclenched her teeth from Neto’s cock and he slowly pulled it from her mouth. Kwils moved up to kiss Cansina and to lick some of Neto’s come that had leaked out around her lips. Cansina was enjoying the kissing but after a bit broke it off and said “Can you show me how to take care of your pussies. I’m so excited to try and make you come too.”
Cansina then moved down and leaned over with her mouth to give each of Kwils’ small purple nipples a kiss and a quick nibble. As she tried to move her head away to continue down towards Kwils’ pussies, Kwils placed her hand behind Cansina’s head and said “Please keep kissing and biting my nipples.” Cansina did as Kwils asked until Kwils moved her hand away.
Cansina looked up and said “How do I make you come?”
Kwils scooted back on the bed and spread her legs for Cansina and said “Kiss at the top of my upper pussy and use your fingers to massage the bottom of the opening. Be gentle though, it is quite sensitive. I am already very excited, so you will definitely make me come quickly.”
Cansina kneeled between Kwils legs and began to eagerly lick and massage her upper pussy. Her sexy tan ass was sticking up at the edge of the bed and Neto moved in and slid first one finger and then a second into Cansina’s wet pussy. Cansina spread her legs wide to give him access as she continued to lick Kwils pussy. Kwils said “Your tongue and lips are amazing. That feels so good. I’m about to come already.”
Then Kwils looked up at Neto as he was fingering Cansina’s pussy and mouthed “Fuck her.” Neto looked at her with wide eyes and she mouthed “Now.”
Neto stopped fingering Cansina’s pussy and moved his cock to the entrance of her pussy. He let his hard cock stay there for a few seconds in case Cansina didn’t want him inside her pussy. But Cansina just moved her hips up and down a little to rub his cock against her pussy lips. Then as Kwils ran her hands through Cansina’s short gray hair Neto pushed his cock into Cansina’s sopping wet pussy.
Cansina moaned loudly into Kwils and Kwils’ body started to shake as she got closer to her orgasm. Cansina then moved her other hand in and started to finger Kwils’ lower pussy too. The extra attention was just what Kwils needed and she screamed a high pitched “I’m coming!” and she held Cansina’s head firmly to her upper pussy as the older woman continued licking there. Kwils opened her eyes finally and Cansina had stopped licking but continued to use her fingers on both of Kwils’ pussies.
Neto was fucking his cock smoothly in and out of Cansina’s pink pussy lips and he looked at Kwils who then mouthed “Spank her.” Neto shook his head, but Kwils was insistent. Finally Neto relented and lightly smacked Cansina’s right butt cheek once.
Cansina turned and looked back at Neto and in a very serious voice said “Was that a spank?” Neto began to say “I’m so sorry…” but Cansina continued “If it was, then it wasn’t much of one. Try again and be assertive.”
Neto was about to say “Yes ma’am.” but caught himself and smacked her right butt cheek harder.
Cansina said without turning around “That’s a little better, but I can still barely feel it.” Neto then spanked her right butt cheek pretty hard and Cansina said “That’s much better, but I have two butt cheeks and my left one is feeling lonely.”
Neto then spanked her left cheek hard and began to fuck her pussy hard too as he got more and more excited. He kept spanking her butt, alternating between each side as he pounded his cock in and out of her pussy. Cansina moaned and said “That’s perfect.”
Kwils pulled her head back down to her upper pussy and said “Kiss me at the top of my pussy. Your fingers feel so good. I’m going to come again.” Cansina started licking Kwils’ upper pussy and continued to finger them both. Cansina’s head moved back and forth over Kwils’ pussy and Neto kept fucking his cock into her pussy. Kwils held Cansina’s head tight to her pussy as she came again.
After her orgasm finished, Kwils scooted down underneath Cansina and pulled her into a kiss. Kwils held her tight as Cansina got closer to her next orgasm. Neto had stopped spanking Cansina and just held her tight by her supple hips as he fucked his cock in and out of her pussy. Cansina’s body began to shake as Neto kept fucking her and Kwils held her in a tight embrace. Cansina thrust her tongue into Kwils’ mouth as her body shook in a violent orgasm.
Neto kept fucking Cansina and pushing her body into Kwils’ arms for a few more minutes and Cansina eventually starting moaning and saying “Oh” and sliding up Kwils body every time Neto plunged his cock deep into her pussy, until finally Neto groaned loudly and came as he held on to her hips and his throbbing cock was deep inside her. Neto kept a tight grip on Cansina’s hips until he slowly slumped down on her back.
Cansina kissed Kwils again and said “I love being between you both with his cock in my pussy. Can we stay like this for a while?”
Neto began to rub Cansina’s shoulders and kiss her neck while Kwils was holding her tight and entwining her tongue in Cansina’s mouth. When Neto’s softening cock finally slipped out of her pussy, Cansina said “Can you please get us some warm cloths to wipe us up? I think you made me come all over Kwils.”
Neto hurried to the washroom and came back with several towels and the two women wiped themselves off.
Then Cansina said “Please get yourselves something to drink. I hope you would like to keep me company and spend the night here.”
Kwils said “We’d love to stay with you tonight. Neto, can you get me some lemonade?”
Cansina said “Yes, that’s a good idea. Could I have some too please?”
Neto came back with three glasses and Cansina made room on the bed between Kwils and herself and Neto slid in between them. He lay back and the two women rested against him drinking their lemonade.
Cansina said in a very relaxed voice “Thank you both so much. I had a great time. You’ve made an old lady feel young again.”
Kwils reached across Neto and stroked Cansina’s shoulder and said “We had a wonderful time too. Thank you for letting us share your bed.”
Neto reached down and softly rubbed Cansina’s thigh and said “I agree, it was amazing.” Cansina just sighed and rested her head on Neto’s shoulder.
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