Subreddit Rules
Every post title MUST include your age and some variant of R4R (M4F, T4MF, F4A, etc) or it will be REMOVED AUTOMATICALLY.
M = Man or Male; W = Woman; F = Female; T = Trans; A/R = Any/Redditor
Comments are locked by default. If you would like the comments for your post to be unlocked, you must include "!unlock" within the BODY of the post, BEFORE submitting.
Posting Limits
To prevent manipulation of Reddit's sorting algorithms, users can only submit posts once every six days.
Money-making Endeavors
Any post, comment, or account referencing the exchange of goods or services for money, will be be removed; the user will receive an automatic ban. If we believe there is some kind of bartering to the same effect, the post will also be removed and the user banned. This rule also applies to "sugar" posts.
Money-making endeavors are probably more appropriate for /r/AustinClassifieds.
Low Effort
Remember to describe yourself and what you're looking for in detail. Posts that are deemed to be low effort, will be removed and flaired as such. Do not message the mods about these posts, as the flair makes it obvious.
Mod Judgement Call
Moderators have discretion in applying all rules. If we feel something goes against the spirit of the community, but not the letter of a particular rule, we will remove it and ban users as needed.
No Recruiters
Posts must be made by the person or people looking to fuck.