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:AC: Team Cat (Cozmo23) :AD: Team Bread (dmg04) :AD: Team Bread (dmg04) // Bread Daddy's Chosen :AD: Team Bread (dmg04) // psn: yellownectarine :B: Bungie Community Manager :D: Drifter's Crew :D: Drifter's Crew // [ D O R I F T O ] :D: Drifter's Crew // Cheeki Breeki Reaper :D: Drifter's Crew // DTG's Cursed Thrall :D: Drifter's Crew // For Every Rose, A Thorn :D: Drifter's Crew // He forgot I've killed a god or two :D: Drifter's Crew // I can’t feel anything :D: Drifter's Crew // Korean Brother :D: Drifter's Crew // Pizza time. :D: Drifter's Crew // Walk in the Shadows to serve the light :GP: Gambit Prime :GP: Gambit Prime // test :GP: Gambit Prime // Vex...milk. Yes, Milk. :H: :H: Arc-Man :H: Blade Barrage with 100 Intellect and Shard =] :H: Dicks Out for Cayde :H: Don't have enough time to get armor on other classes :H: Hunter Main :H: titans are dumb :T: :T: First in, last standing... :T: Friendly Neighborhood Titan Main :T: Shoulder Charge :T: Smash :T: Tangled Shore's Crayon Thief :T: The Lemon Flavored Titan :T: Titan Bellator :T: Titan Master Race :T: Valiant heart, unwavering resolve. :T: Wanna be my barrier buddy? :V: Vanguard's Loyal :V: Vanguard's Loyal // I Hunt for the City :V: Vanguard's Loyal // Never Be Traitors :V: Vanguard's Loyal // Vanguard :W: :W: Destiny Dad :W: Fr3ak3r :W: Proud flying birb :W: Warlock "Indeed." "Little Light" "We've woken the Hive" “Be consumed by the darkness” *Unintelligible Ape Noises* /r/DestinyJournals #ForCayde ad astra per alas porci All gold donations go to Tanik's House. Anarchy's Child Annoyed Titan Asher Mir is a GILF Associate Weapons Designer Back Baby! Bacon Bits on the Surface of my Mind benjaminratterman Blade'sBane Bruh Buff Stasis Bungie Bungie Plz Bungie Suggestion Bungie Suggestion Bungie Suggestion // Bungie Replied Bungie Suggestion // Bungie Replied x2 Bungie Suggestion // Bungie Replied x3 Cayde-69, Eater of Sisters Crucible Sherpa Daddy Warlock Datamined Information deny Smallen, embrace OUR BOI DestinyTracker Dev Discussion Discussion Discussion // Bungie Replied Discussion // See Pinned Comment Electric pew-pew fairy Energy Drain Warlock Eyes up Guardian Fight for good gaming Fireteam Spectre For Those We Cherish FutureWarCunt gally Gambo Primo on the field, kill it to win! Gimme My Necrochasm! Glowhoo GT: T1ha Guide Guide Heavy as Iron Bananas Hitting them where it hurts is what I do- I like men's feet I live I die I live again I OWN A GJALLARHORN I'm happy when everyone hates me! I've Fallen for you. Ikora Bae Info inside confirmed false by Bungie employees JAIMO88 Just a handful of bullets Kell of Salt Killer Queen has already touched the dislike button. Look at my Thralls! Look! Lore Lore Media Media Media // Bungie Replied Media // Bungie Replied MegaThread Megathread | News Misc Misc Misc // Bungie Replied Misc // Bungie Replied Misc // Bungie Replied x2 Misc // Mod Approved Misc // Mod Approved Misc // Satire Misleading title Monstercat117 News News Nightstalker No Land Beyond no memes Now They Rise! Omnioculus Fanatic One Might Say Osirian Orbs for Days Owned Praise Praise RNGsus praise the salt! PS4 - The Meh-Team psn apparentdear PSN: cromusz PSN: CyberClaw PSN: hobo84 queen is bae Question Question Raid Sherpa Reaper of the Iron Burden Removed - Rule 3 Respect the holocouch Rule 2 Rule 2 - non-descript media Rule 2 - Repost Rule 2 - Unsuitable Content Rule 3 - Memes Rule 3 - Misplaced Content Rule 3 - Misplaced Content Rule 3 - Misplaced Content Rule 3 - Misplaced Content Rule 4 - Marginal Content Rule 4 - Marginal Content Rule 6 - Fireteams ryvenkael Self aware edgelord SGA SGA SGA // Bungie Replied Shadow SHIRO8754 shoot it until it dies Sniped ya! Sons of Mars Space Magic Space Magic! Spoilers St. Bernard Status: Calamitous Staunch Vanguard Loyal stop hunter abuse Suggestion Suggestion Taniks has no house. He kneels for no banner That Wizard Came From The Moon the bane of people with less than 1 hour of free time There will be killing till the score is paid They saw it coming... did you? THIRSTS FOR YOUR LIGHT This remote doesn't work... Thorn Supremacy TLW / Supremacy TOTAL VICTORY Transmat firing Veil of Eris VexyMan War Cult for Life (all of them) Warlock Warning: Spoilers ahead weird flex... but okay Why, yes Elizabeth wololo XB1 theseattlerain XB1- Reaper7707 XBox Melting Point Titan Y E E H A W You need a new desk. You're a horrible person. I love it. Young Wolf, but bad at the game