Subreddit Banned
This subreddit was banned 7 months ago
Subreddit Rules
All Users Must be 18+
Any posts or comments from individuals that are underage will have their posts removed and accounts banned
Do Not Reveal Personal Information
Personal information can include:
-Email address
-Phone number
-Username of other services
Keep this information inside your DMs and off your post for your safety.
Use NSFW Tags
All NSFW content must be tagged "NSFW"
Use NSFW Tag with Nudity Content
All NSFW content must be tagged "NSFW"
No Derogatory/Rude Posts, Comments, or DMs.
No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, hatred or generally rude posts will be tolerated in DMs, posts, or by comments. Doing so will get you banned.
No Derogatory/Rude Posts, Comments, or DMs
No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, hatred or generally rude posts will be tolerated in DMs, posts, or by comments. Doing so will get you banned.
No Selling
Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
-Snapchat Premium
-OnlyFans Subscription
Keep selling in the proper SubReddits, not here.
No Illegal Drug Use
If your local Iowa jurisdiction has a law against it, don't talk about it in our community. Mentions of illegal drug use will get your account banned.
No Spamming
No irrelevant posts or comments. No excessive or repeated post or comments. Failure to comply will result in your account being banned.