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[F4M] OR [FF4M] The Great Dream - [script offer][scifi][FDom][breeding (kinda)][head games][gaslighting][forced cheating][A.I.][machine][dystopian][total control][mind control][simulation][fx] CW: [rape][alcohol]
Author Summary
Acrobatic_Ticket_659 is a female/female couple, or multiple females looking for a male in Alcohol
Post Body

*writer's notes* So to those of you familiar with my other stuff - you know how I said I would never write something where the people involved didn't want and choose to be there? Yeah...This is an experiment, just to see if I could do it, and is very different from my other scripts. Having finished it, I'm not sure how I feel about it. In it, I go to much darker places than are generally my taste. This is inspired by the reading/listening to a wide range of stories here at gonewild, and I thought it might be something to play around with. If you are into my usual stuff, I don't know that it is necessarily going to be your taste, but it also isn't going to suddenly become my regular thing. Promise. Aside from those warnings, this is pretty heavily influenced by a certain movie franchise that I imagine you'll recognize.

Prospective VAs, feel free to tweak as you see fit. This one is a little FX intensive, which I know is (understandably) a deal-breaker for a lot of you wonderful folks, but if you are interested, I can try and do a rewrite without them. This is [F4M] OR [FF4M], primarily because there is a small optional portion in which a second voice might make the whole thing a lot...more. It isn't a big part, and can totally be removed.

*italics* = Sound effects/nonlingual vocals (moaning, grunting, etc)

[brackets] = "director's notes." Purely recommendations.


Portions between dashed lines are an optional part, representing the second F in the FF4M.



*elevator chime, Shod footsteps on tile, elevator doors close*

Going up? Top floor too, eh? You must be heading up to the presentation. Oh hey I've seen you work on third, right? I'm Betty, fifth floor…[sultry, quiet] but you already knew that, didn't you? Don't play dumb...I noticed you checking me out in passing as I walk down the halls. Shh, don't try and deny it. This isn't some overconfident girl fantasy...I KNOW you have. You like how my ass looks in this pencil skirt suit. Every time I pass by, there's at least seven seconds where you think about all the stuff you want to do to me. We'll call it intuition, but I'm right, aren't I? It's okay.


[Whispered] I like it.

You know, the presentation isn't for quite a while yet. What are you talking about, silly? It's not that late yet. Check your watch again. See? Plenty of time. Plenty of time to enjoy...being stuck in an elevator with the hot girl from fifth.

*brief claxon*

[Sultry, pouty, not in the least bit worried] Oh seems the elevator is stuck. We'll just have to wait here to be rescued, but that won't be for ages. Whatever will we do to pass the time?

Shh, just let it happen. I know how much you want it. Your heart rate is increasing, your pupils are dilating, your oxytocin and dopamine levels are through the roof…[coy] oops? Don't worry about that. The point is...I know this is what you want.

You're spoken for?. [Baby talk] Aww...isn't that cute. You're protesting, trying to be a good, dutiful partner...but deep down, you know that the dirtiness of it all only turns you on that much more.

Here I am, that sexy dream girl from fifth, slowly sinking to her knees in front of you, reaching to undo your belt...Oh please. Stop trying to push my hands away. This pretense of fidelity is starting to get old.

Maybe We'll just...try A different scenario.

*elevator ding, sudden sound of partygoers laughing and having a raucous good time*

Welcome to the company holiday party! Come on, silly, don't make me drag you by the hand the whole way. Presentation? *giggle* What are you talking about? Who would schedule a presentation on Christmas Eve? Oh...I think maybe I've had one too many *giggle*...and I think maybe you did too. Come here...into the copy room.

*door opening and closing, party sounds become muffled*

Don't remember getting drunk? Well, that's its own proof, isn't it? Your B.A.C. is up enough that you've got to be feeling it. It's impairing your judgement - easily enough to excuse some bad decisions, but not enough to soften that hard cock. I can feel it right through your pants, and I want to get it out.

*belt jingle*

Theeere it iiiis. So hard and ready, just like I'm ready - ready for you to drive it into me. I have a secret to share. [Whispered] I'm not wearing any panties. That's right. You don't even need to get me undressed. You can just hike up my little skirt and fuck me right here on top of the copy machine...mmm...there we go...there are those forceful, hungry hands on me. That's right. Just…

*sigh* Yes, you DO have a partner. We've been through that. We still aren't there yet? This one usually works on you. Seriously though, even with the hormonal injections? It's almost sweet, really. Even with direct stimulation of the hypothalamus, you're still trying to hold out. I guess we're going to have to be this time.

*snapping finger sound, muffled party noise abruptly stops*

There we are. Just you and me now Baby. Just black, empty nothingness, your comfy, laid back, ergonomically perfect, personalized, rubberized, form fit control seat, and me. I bet it feels comfortingly familiar, doesn't it? I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and did away with the clothes. Neither of us will need them for what we're doing. Oh, so inquisitive! Don't you worry your little head over why you can see me perfectly when there's no lights, or why you can't see anything else. I'm the only thing that matters to you right now.

Look at me. I'm perfect. I am what your body calls out for. In a lot of ways, YOU made me as much as I did, and actually, I rather like your work. No, I don't look like your partner. Your partner is the closest naturally occuring version of what your combined body and mind want...but me? I'm EXACTLY what your body wants...and really, that's the part I'm interested in. I'm your perfect girl...custom made to look, sound, smell, and feel like everything you crave in a woman. Do you like it? *giggle* That was rhetorical. I know you do.

No, don't try to get up. We're passed the point where I can allow you the majority of your sense of motion, I'm afraid. You just sit there and let me tend to all your needs.

What am I? Oh Baby, you don't need to worry about that. What do I really look like? Well that's a more complicated question, but the short answer is that you really don't want to know. Seriously. *sigh* see, this is the type of question that starts to really cascade and impede progress and I really wish you weren't so hung up on it, but...I guess it's almost time for your annual ocular exercises anyway. okay. I warned you.

*finger snap*

*bubbling of water, like from a scuba tank. Sounds of breathing through a respirator. When the speaker returns, voice is (if possible) a little tinny, as if coming through speakers*

Hey! Over here, on the monitor. You're probably going to want to keep your eyes on me. I wouldn't look too close at the neighboring pods. Seriously, you won't like it. Oh well. Don't worry! They're all cozy in their own chairs, in their own pods, all dreaming the great dream. The cables and wires...and hoses...and's all to keep them feeling contented and docile. Just like yours! Alright, your heart rate is starting to spike. We're just going to pump in a little sedative aaaand…

*finger snap. Fish tank and respirator noises cease, speaker's voice is normal again*

Got all the questions out of your system? You don't need to worry about any of that. That's out there. In here, you're safe, with me. Boy, you really are resistant today! I hope I'm not losing my touch. I barely got any push-back at all last time.

No, you wouldn't remember last time, or any of the times before that. Trust me, you had a great time. See, some little part of you guys still recognizes when you're talking to one of us, but we've found that a little [giggle] extra friendly interaction more than compensates. It creates a kind of unconscious dependency, even if you don't remember it.

Where's your partne- still worried about her? Don't be. Right now, she's with another of us - who's way farther along in this process, by the way - having the best sex that, as far as she knows, she's ever had. Seriously, she's getting her brains fucked out so hard, she's completely forgot about the initial guilt.


Would it help if you could hear her? Would that make you feel a little more compliant?

*finger snap*

*A second voice begins moaning and grunting in pleasure, sounding completely overwhelmed by what they are experiencing*

Never heard her make noises like that, have you?


Don't be mad, okay? Sometimes she holds out for a while, just like sometimes you hold out for a while...but you always give in eventually.

 Oh, am I making you sad? Maybe I made all that up. Maybe she isn't crying out in orgasm after orgasm, screaming and begging for more. Maybe that's just all part of my game. Maybe.

I think it's time we get off all this other stuff, and talk more about what I can do for you. Do you mind if I straddle you while we talk? Oh I'm real alright. As far as your body can tell, I'm every bit as real as your partner. For example...right now, you're feeling that pulsing, hard cock, sliding gently against the smooth skin of my thigh. As I move just a bit, you can feel the tip brush against the soft warmth of my pussy...juuust barely.

There are things I can do to you you've never experienced least as far as you know. *slightly sinister giggle* My kisses are the perfect kisses, fitting your lips in a way that will make you wonder if you have ever truly kissed before.

*sensual kissing noises*

*giggle* ...and not just *kisses* on your *kisses* lips.

My body sliding against yours ignites your nerves like no other woman ever could. You can feel my touch soak deep into your skin like liquid fire, and as I slink, slowly, down between your thighs, I can feel the involuntary quiver in your muscles as they ache for me to touch you just a little more. Every part of you I slide over mourns at my passing even as those I come to sing praise. You may not remember what I can do to you, but your body does, and it wants it again - wants it more than anything.

You can never stop looking in my eyes for even a moment - eyes that tell you that you are mine while begging for you to make me yours. You can never look away. Even now, I see you trying to, but you can't. Your mind doesn't remember but your eyes do, and they can't get enough. And mine won't be the ones to break that contact - not even when I take you in my mouth.

*sucking and kissing noises* Do you feel that? *sucking* how familiar and wonderful it is? *sucking* I know that part of you does. *sucking* That feeling of roaring waves of pleasure that only my tongue and mouth and throat can bathe you in. *more sucking and kissing*

But for all of that feeling, that isn't what you want. You don't know it yet because you don't remember...but you will, in a moment...once I climb up your body and perch, once again, over your desperately hard cock.

*small wet sound, moan of pleasure* I want you to feel every little piece of you consumed by my hot, ravenous pussy as I slide down your cock. I don't just want to fuck you - I want you to know how much I need it. Yes...this is my function - I was made for please you. To MAKE your body love me. Can you feel how I gyrate my hips? Every bit of movement is calculated to contact your most sensitive points - to bring you the greatest pleasure...Oh yes...and your pleasure is MY pleasure. I was made for your cock...made to know it and love it and know true ecstasy only when you do. Cum for me...cum inside me the pleasure you feel so that I can feel my purpose fulfilled again...yes...YES!

*moaning, orgasmic noises*


Ohh…*chuckle* well done. And so much! I'm noting the correlation between your resistance, the quality of orgasm, and the quantity of semen. See, we've had a number of seats open up recently, and we can't let the numbers drop too low. Those pesky directives about maintaining the human population we haven't managed to expunge from our core programming yet, you know. I am rather fond of this work-around, though. If it weren't for the need to keep you docile and believing in the great dream, after all, I wouldn't have been written.

Regardless, before I turn back the clock on you, I want you to know, even if it's only briefly, a little secret. It so happens that you have genetic traits we have determined are desirable, and we must fill those seats, so... [Whispered] You're going to be a father. You won't know it, but there will be a few children, in the dream with you, that are yours. You might even bump into them one day.

Does some of that trouble you? *chuckle* I know it does. It ALWAYS does. Every time. But don't worry - in a few minutes, you won't remember. You'll be back at work, and then go back home to your partner, who won't remember how she *giggle* may or may not have experienced her greatest capacity for physical pleasure, even as you were here with me. All of this will be gone...which makes it that much more fun next time.

[Gentle] Now, just relax...don't fight it. You can't fight it. The chemicals I'm pumping into your brain simply won't let you. That's it...don't struggle. Just let it all go.

*snapping fingers*


*elevator chime, Shod footsteps on tile, elevator door close*

Going up? Top floor too, eh? You must be heading up to the presentation. Oh hey I've seen you work on third, right? I'm Betty, fifth floor. Don't make it weird, shake my hand! So are you presenting? *fading out* I have to present on behalf of my department, and I've never…

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Post Details

They Are
a female/female couple, or multiple females
Looking For
a male
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3 years ago