To satisfy a need [Cuckquean/Fiction]
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TheThrill00 is in Cuckquean/Fiction
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Justin and I (Laura) were together for about 5 years before all this stuff started. When the contents of this story took place, I was 26 and he was 28. We had lived together for a couple of years at this point and it was looking more and more like we were going to be together for the long haul.

Justin's GORGEOUS. Tall and strong but not like, muscled out with abs and everything. He worked out a couple times a week but didn't make it his whole life, you know? He's a hottie, but not in the way you might see in an insta thirst trap or something.

I'm pretty too, at least I think so. Long blonde hair, short, skinny, kind of a basic-bitch style but Justin never complained. Justin was never big on compliments in general, but he showed me how attractive he found me in other ways. When we first got together the sex was CONSTANT. Every room in the house, in the car, once in public. We couldn't keep our hands off each other and I LOVVVVEEEEDDDD it. Who wouldn't? A sexy man all over you? Sounds pretty great.

Over the years though, it kind of calmed down. Or rather, I did. Justin never stopped trying to initiate sex. He was ALWAYS horny and while I did take it as a compliment, my libido went down over time and I just wasn't able to keep up. Which led us to this whole scenario.

At the time of the proposition, it had been about a month since Justin and I had sex, and there was probably a month between then and the time preceding it as well. I loved him, I thought he was hot, I just never got turned on in the same way he did for some reason.

We talked about it on a few occasions, I made sure he knew it had nothing to do with him. But I could still tell it was starting to drive him crazy. To go from wild sex every day, to maybe once a month is a dramatic shift. So, when I hung out with my best friend Tessa and heard about her struggles, it felt like everything clicked into place in a weird way.

In highschool, we were an unlikely pairing of best friends, I'm your typical Uggs and leggings, Taylor Swift fan. Tessa mostly wears torn fishnets under a dark skirt and a black tee shirt with some band name in a font I couldn't read. We got paired up for a project back in highschool and have been besties ever since.

Tess and I spoke every day, either through text or phonecalls, but actually hanging out didn't happen all the time back then. So when she suggested a girls day to get brunch and our nails done I was so on board.

She was easy to find at the brunch spot, her dark hair and clothes standing out among the sea of more summery colors.

"Hey baaaabe!" I said, walking up behind her.

She jumped out of her seat and turned around, doing a little dance before giving me big hug.

"OH MY GOOOOD Lauraaa I've missed you too much. Sit down I got you a mimosa coming." She said back, smiling and holding my hand. Despite her darker appearance, she was just as 'girlie' as I was.

Her tits almost jumped out of the deep cleavage in her top as she plopped back into her seat.

"Damn girl, we're getting brunch not DICK, you're dressed to impress" I laughed as she readjusted her breasts in her shirt.

"God I wish we were!" She said through a fit of laughter, "And you never know Lor, maybe there's some well-endowed single man just dying to meet a curvy goth girl this morning."

We both laughed at that. Nearly everyone here looked like they just came from church, families with children and young couples seemed to be the main clientele.

We hung out, got a little tipsy, and talked about what's been going on in our lives. I opened up to her about the issues I've been having around sex. How despite how sexy I find Justin, that my libido has just been basically nonexistent recently. And how I know not having sex was affecting him. She had a very powerful reaction at that.

"GOD! I wish I could make my sex-drive less powerful, I haven't had sex in a YEAR Laura, I'm losing my fucking mind over here." She said, before catching herself, "I'm sorry I don't mean to make light of what you're going through."

"Oh I didn't take it that way. I'm sure that's how Justin's feeling too. God maybe you should just fuck him, two birds one stone!" I said, laughing at my own joke as I raised my cup to my mouth.

"I would in a fucking heartbeat" Tessa replied, not a hint of mirth in her voice.

I choked on my drink, coughing mimosa back into the little glass.

"Not that... Oh my god I'm sorry." Tess said, flustered, "I'm stupid fuckin' horny Laura I'm sorry."

We laughed about it and went on with our day. We finished with brunch, both quite tipsy now and headed to get our nails done. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe that was the perfect solution. I knew I could trust Tessa. Maybe it could be a purely mechanical, non-emotional, way to satisfy the needs of the two most important people in my life? I didn't think she was exactly his type anyway so I wouldn't feel threatened or anything. Justin chose ME after all, so I doubted he'd be more attracted to a curvy goth girl than petite and basic me.

But there was a big question I wasn't considering, would Justin even want this? I'm sure in a perfect world he'd rather I just have a higher libido. Would he be attracted enough to Tess to even want to try? What would he think of me for suggesting this? One thing was clear though. Justin would get more and more frustrated if my sex-drive continued on this trajectory. I needed to do something.

As we were getting ready to leave the salon I turned to Tessa,

"Hey real talk, would you actually want to have sex with Justin? I won't be mad I promise." I said, doing my best to convey my genuine curiosity. I fiddled with my hands and broke eye-contact. Feeling the awkwardness of my question snake around my heart now that I had voiced it.

"Uhhhhh..." Tess began, trying to find words to the world's strangest question, "I mean. He's hot, and I AM horny as fuck. But it's not like I would put myself between you and your man."

She wasn't getting it. I admired her response, honest but establishing her boundaries and loyalty to me as a friend. But she wasn't picking up on the question I was ACTUALLY asking her. Too deep in now, Laura, gotta be more direct.

"What I mean is... if he wanted to, and I was cool with it, would you do that for me? He needs it Tess, I can see how frustrated he is with how things have been between us." I squeaked out, feeling embarrassed for even saying it out loud, "Am I crazy to think this could work?"

"Well, yeah, a little bit. This is something pretty intense you're asking. And I don't wanna get all worked up for nothing." She laughed, "But, yes, I would love to, but only if you're ACTUALLY cool with it. I'm not about to let a man come between us. Maybe on us though."

She winked at me and gave a little push with her hip.

With that small joke, I suddenly felt the tension break. She didn't think I was weird for asking, she wanted to prioritize our relationship. Maybe I'm not totally crazy for asking this. I breathed a sigh of relief as the stress left my body.

"I'll ask him and see if he's down for it. It wouldn't be like, all the time or anything, just something to meet his needs you know? And I don't know if he'd even be up for it." I blurted out, "Thanks for not thinking I'm weird."

"Hey, thank YOU for considering me for such an illustrious position. I hope the boss man accepts my application." She said, and we laughed together. I really am lucky to have Tess as a friend, I don't know if anyone else would make me feel comfortable enough to ask this question.

We split up, and I got in my car to head back home. A knot began to grow in my stomach as I drove home. Sure, Tess is on board with my crazy fucking idea. Now I needed to talk to Justin about it. I didn't know how to broach the topic. Little did I know, the perfect way would literally grow in my hand when I got home.

As I drove home to Justin and thought about what I should say, I felt a strange mix of emotions bubbling up inside of me. Yes, there was a knot in my stomach, bringing up this strange solution to the biggest problem we were facing. I felt embarrassed that it had even got to this point. I felt shame for not feeling like I could provide him the sex he so desperately desired with me.

But there was something else, a swirl of butterflies and nerves that accompanied the shame and fear. Was I getting EXCITED by this idea?

I squirmed in my seat as I pulled into the driveway. I considered what this would actually look like. Tess, naked, in front of my sexy boyfriend, him timidly reaching out to her while he looks at me. Maybe I nod to him, giving him the push he needs as his hand makes contact with her breast. Her and I take heaving breaths in unison as my man commands the room. Her body shudders in anticipation as Justin's fingers trail her nipple. Her hand reaches down, taking his growing cock in her hand. They smile at each other.

I tear myself, painfully, from the fantasy in my head, to realize what I'm doing. Quickly, I pull my hand from where it was massaging my breast over my dress, and release my deathgrip on the steering wheel. What the fuck was THAT? I take a deep breath and fight the urge to see where this daydream was going. Was I really finding this... hot? What just minutes ago was simply a pragmatic solution to a practical problem, had taken on a whole different spirit in the theater of my mind.

There was a weight of guilt and shame chewing at me. I felt small when confronted with the thought of allowing Justin to fuck my friend as a result of my own lack of libido. Inadequate. But why did this feeling elicit such an arousal within me? Why would these feelings FINALLY create a heat between my legs, that I hadn't been able to access for so long?

It didn't matter. At least, it wasn't important to consider at this exact moment. I had more difficult situations ahead of me.

I removed the keys from the ignition and tried to sort my clothes out from the aggressive groping I'd given myself during my sexual fugue state, and exited the vehicle.

I approached the door to Justin and I's apartment and took a deep breath before pushing it open.

Justin sat on the living room couch, shirtless, with a controller in his hand. Find you a man who looks hot playing video games, and you'll be happy for life. Though the video game he was playing clearly maintained much of his attention, he still took a moment to direct his focus to me as I entered the house.

"Hey babe! How was girl-time?" He asked, a genuine smile on his face as he gazed in my direction.

Oh we just talked about how hot you are and how I want you to fuck her brains out, I thought, taking a moment to find better words than that. Seeing him sit there, looking effortlessly sexy, an image of Tess straddling him on the couch flashed into my mind. Her nipple in his mouth as she bounced on top of him.

'god Laura you should have let him have me earlier,' daydream-Tess spoke through breathy moans 'this cock is too good for -'

Jesus Laura, focus. I cut the fantasy short, but couldn't help but notice what the intrusive thought had done to me. For the first time in a long time, I NEEDED cock.

I hung my keys up by the door and dropped my bag.

"It was nice, we actually talked about you a bit." I said as I sauntered in front of the TV and over to the couch. Normally I try not to walk in front of him when he's playing a game, but something told me that would be the furthest thing from his mind in a moment.

"All good things I hope! I haven't seen Tess in forever, how's she doing?" He said, naively playing right into my hand. He's so sweet, I almost felt bad for preying on his natural impulses.

I cuddled up next to him on the couch, laying my head on his shoulder and my hand on his chest while he focused on the game.

"Oh she's okay, if a little needy, it was nice catching up though." I said, swirling my finger in the spot of hair in the middle of his chest.

"That's good, I'm glad you two found some time to hang out. You know she can come over whenever, I can even disappear if you guys want some time alone or something in the future." He reassured me, his eyes flicking from the screen to me for just a moment before going back.

I couldn't bare it. How quickly this idea had consumed me. From the moment it was mentioned at brunch, it was all I could think about. My body was SCREAMING at me to speak it into existence. My heartbeat slammed in my chest and it felt like every nerve in my body was on high alert. I briefly considered the irony of the situation. The thought of him fucking Tess was the first thing to get me REALLY turned on in months. Fucking my friend as a stand-in because I wasn't horny was MAKING me horny.

Fuck it.

I let my hand trail slowly down his chest to rest right above the waist of his boxers. I saw them twitch, immediately, in response. He's so backed up and desperate.

"Actually we talked about her coming over soon. You'd be okay with that?" I asked, unable to keep my voice from sounding hushed and breathless, I savored the anticipation.

"Uhhh. Yeah. Of course. Is everything... okay?" He questioned, and I felt a pang of guilt that he viewed me being touchy-feely with him as indication that something was wrong.

"Yep, totally fine." I said, letting my freshly done nails press against the skin of his pelvis and slip beneath his waistband, "Do you want to see her? I think she really wants to come over."

"Fuck" He whimpered under his breath as my fingers wrapped around his girthy base, "Sure, it's been awhile."

He had paused the game and placed the controller on the arm of the couch. I breathed into his neck and planted a kiss there as I began to slowly stroke him.

"God babe what got into you? Not that I'm complaining." He chuckled through a sharp gasp as I gripped his cock more firmly. He was SO hard. I swear I could feel his heartbeat through my palm. I let my hand travel up the length of him to his tip and swirled my fingers around the collecting pre-cum there before stroking it into his shaft.

"Oh nothing, just thinking. You know, you and Tess share a similar problem." I said, my heart quickening to exceed the beating heat I felt through my hand.

"I don't think I have any problems right now" He said, his hand finding my thigh and beginning to trail it's way to the core of my desire. I shivered and gasped as his fingers contacted the mound beneath my dress.

"Fucccckkkkk" I moaned into his neck, his touch finally breaking the dam and sending me into a lusty spiral. The building tension and anticipation, the twisted fantasies I hadn't been able to fight from my mind, all collapsing in on themselves in a flash of desperate NEED.

"She needs some fucking dick baby. She's hornier than you are." I moaned, pushing his briefs down and allowing his cock to bounce free. I marveled at it with the kind of reverence one holds for a religious idol. MY man's cock. Tall and powerful. Desperate to serve it's purpose, too long kept at bay by my own selfish protests. I pumped his cock as I buried my head into his neck and lost myself in the sight of it.

He forced a finger under my dress, circumventing my panties and slipping inside of me. I felt every muscle in my body tense around his touch and my chest heaved with shuddering breaths as he massaged my insides. I couldn't contain it any longer.

"Please!" I cried as I ruthlessly stroked his cock with a hunger I didn't know I possessed, "She needs your fucking cock sir please help her!"

His finger stopped exploring and hung motionless within me. I felt his whole body freeze at my words, but I kept stroking him like my life depended on it.

"Babe... are you...?" He started a sentence he didn't know how to finish. In my lust drunk state, I was more than happy to take the wheel.

"Yes! Fuck, god baby it would be perfect. I trust you both and you could help each other." I felt his cock get - somehow - even harder in my hand, "She's kinda hot right? You can say it."

I felt his finger begin to slip from my body and I moaned in agony as it exited me.

"I - I mean..." He began and my frustration reached a fever-pitch.

"SAY IT" I begged with guttural fury into his neck.

"Yeah, she's cute." He admitted and I felt every glorious chemical my brain could produce erupt simultaneously. A blast of tingling colors flooded my vision. Fireworks set off in my nervous system activated by a previously unknown code-phrase.

Yeah? You want to fuck her goddamn brains out don't you? You always have, haven't you? How many times have you jerked off in the bathroom staring at pictures of her online when I turned you down? Desperate to feel the curves of her body and hear her piercing screams of pleasure as you relentlessly pound her in the ways I've denied you.

Jesus Laura. What was happening to you? All he said was that she's cute.

I needed more.

"Tell me" I said, slipping off the couch and taking my rightful place at his feet, between his knees. His slick cock stood between us, towering over me like the monument it was, "Tell me what you like about her."

I stared up at him as I gripped his shaft with both hands and began stroking him expectantly.

"She has pretty eyes, and a cute face." He said, slowly, carefully. Too carefully for my taste. There was more there that he didn't want to say. He cared too much about my feelings. At any other point of my life, I would have appreciated him for this. But right now, it was infuriating.

"Yeah? That's it?" I said, spitting on his cock "You don't want to play with her huge tits. So much bigger than mine. Or watch as her fat ass ripples from your thrusts? Be honest."

I raised an eyebrow and watched as his expression turn from shocked horror to something far more hungry. Finally. I got him.

He snapped. Justin reached out, quickly, and bundled up my hair in his hands behind my head and gripped it tightly. I let out an uncontrollable giggle as he forced my head down on his cock.

"FUCCCKKKKKK" He groaned as he buried his cock in my throat, "I haven't played with a set of big tits in years baby. You know I love you but you're not exactly gifted in that department."

Yesssssssss. Moooooreeeeeee.

I moaned around his cock, an unhinged sort of glee escaping my body in the form of shivering giggles as he told me he liked her tits more than mine. God, was he wrong to? I thought I was cute, sure. And he never made me feel unattractive. But I was flat as a washboard, front and back. I had all the curves of a square. Why WOULDN'T he want to play with Tess's big tits? And more than that, why SHOULDN'T he be able to?

He released his grip on my head, and allowed me to come up for a breath. Even through my lust-clouded vision I could see the regret on his face.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He began, before I cut him off.

"Stop. Tell me more. What do you want to do to her? What can she give you that I can't?" I begged, throwing my mouth back onto his dick. I sucked him with reckless abandon and felt his body convulse as I awaited his answer.

"Fuck babe. Are you sure?" He moaned quietly above me. I provided a humming "mhm" in response. At long last, he let go.

"I want to bend her over doggy. So I can see the shockwaves pulse through her ass as I fuck her. I want to bury my fucking face in her tits as she rides me, letting her massive breasts suffocate me. I want her to sit between my legs like you are now and suck my cock before wrapping her tits around it and and letting me tit-fuck her. Goddddddd." He moaned, "I've wanted to fuck Tess for so fucking long."

The dam had broken. His true thoughts and desires finally laid bare, at my relentless insistence. He wanted her. He always had. He wants the things I can't or don't give him.

What was swelling within me had reached it's zenith. My building orgasm had crested over me and slammed into my body, more powerful than ever before. I shook and convulsed on the ground in front of my man as I felt the chilly, tingling, shocks pulse through me. I had always needed both penetration and clitoral stimulation to get off. But this time, all I needed was a cock in my throat and some teasing words. Something about that felt right.

When I recovered from my pulsing orgasm I found myself with my cheek on Justins thigh and a wet heat covering the other side of my face. As I watched his cock slowly deflate and listened to his heavy breaths I felt strangely satisfied. Like this had always been my true purpose, unfulfilled. Milking my boyfriends cock while he told me about how he wants to fuck someone else. Both of us laying, spent and satisfied at the consideration of this shared fantasy, as his cum soaked into my face.

I leaned forward, taking his tender and shrinking cock back into my mouth and savoring the taste of his cum that remained there.

His whole body twitched in reflexive agony at my touch.

"Fuck! Babe holy shit." He groaned as I slurped him, "We're gonna need to talk about all this."

I looked up at him to see him smiling in disbelief.

I let his cock out of my mouth with a POP.

"Later." I said, feeling his cock begin to grow again in my hand, "Tell me more about Tess."

Writers note: This is part 1 in a series of these folks that I plan on writing. I've got the next part started, and a bunch of plans for how this one will go. I want to explore some more brutal themes of betrayal, cheating, and humiliation, which this story will contain elements of. I plan to write more stories in the cuckquean realm because I feel this genre is severely underserved (and I find it hot as fuck.)

I'd love to hear some opinions on what themes you'd like to see in cuckquean erotica! Especially from the female perspective, as that is the type of individual I hope to drive crazy with my writing.

I kind of jump-started this story, as most of my stories have a bit of a slower build-up and I wanted to get into the meat of things faster so I can practice targeting the specific dials that really get people worked up. But if you stay tuned in the future I'll write stories with a more realistic build-up. I hope you all enjoy!

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