5,261,969 subscribers
Here's all the flair...
~who the hell wouldn't choose the rainbow flair, like seriously~
100% cyan flair
100% cyan flair
2019 is the new 2018
Artisinal Material
Bad link
beautiful pink
beautiful pink
Cat goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr
Comic Sans for life!
dick here for reasons why
haha funny flair
i luv dis sign
i poop
If we can read what it says, you're probably forcing the joke.
iLike kids
iLike kids
Jokerman for president
LolOLoloLOL i hOpE YoUR EyeS hUrT
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dos
Meta/Mod Post
Oh my god my eyes!!!
oww my eyes
plz recycle
plz recycle plz recycle plz recycle plz recycle plz recycle plz
r4inb0w r04d !tz w3r3 U g0, wh33n u di3
Reddit Orange
Removed: barely crappy
Removed: barely crappy
Removed: Can't confirm
Removed: can't confirm
Removed: common repost
Removed: Common repost
Removed: crappy title
Removed: custom reason. Read mod comment for more info.
Removed: frequent repost
Removed: Frequent repost
Removed: frequent repost
Removed: frequent repost
Removed: Hate symbol
Removed: Image sideways
Removed: joke
Removed: joke/fake
Removed: meme
Removed: Meme or image macro
Removed: meme/image macro
Removed: no accidental genitalia, etc.
Removed: no accidental penises
Removed: no accidental penises
Removed: no accidental swastikas
Removed: no crappy titles
Removed: no personal information
Removed: no software gore
Removed: no software gore
Removed: no software issues
Removed: no typos
Removed: not crappy design
Removed: Not crappy design
Removed: Not crappy design
Removed: not crappy design
Removed: Not crappy design Removed: Rule 6
Removed: Not Crappy Enough
Removed: Not crappy enough
Removed: Not in English
Removed: novelty
Removed: out of context
Removed: probably fake
Removed: r/softwaregore
Removed: recent repost
Removed: recent repost
Removed: repost
Removed: Repost
Removed: Repost Removed: Not crappy design
Removed: Retired type of crappy design
Removed: rule 2
Removed: rule 2/4
Removed: rule 3
Removed: rule 3/6
Removed: rule 5 (auto)
Removed: Rule 6
Removed: rule 6
Removed: rule 6
Removed: satire
Removed: Sexually suggestive
Removed: Software design
Removed: Software design issue
Removed: Software gore
Removed: try r/assholedesign
Removed: User error Removed: Similar to a recent post
Removed: wrong sub
Removed: Wrong sub
See a plumber
Shh bby its ok
Taste the Rainbow.
The Cheese N'Egger
their gr8 @ you're dzine
This is why we can't have nice things