My name is Fahed Abu-Diab but everybody calls me Adam. I’m 26 and I’m a Leo. I am currently locked up for 8 years and I’m fighting an appeal. I was born in Louisville Kentucky where I spent most of my life at. I’m 5’11 and I enjoy working out .. I spend most of my time staying to myself , reading and working out. Anything that can make me a better man I tend on doing it ! I plan on treating any woman in my life same way I want a man to treat them. I’m a family man, I’ll do anything for my brother and sisters … I love God .. I’m a humble , respectful , caring man … I love making people happy. I really would love to meet a woman and build a unbreakable bond with her so when I came home, we can start our life together.
To whoever reading this, I been through so much an life, and felt so much pain in my heart. If you was to know about my story you’ll understand why I’m in here and why I don’t belong in here. Unfortunately, I had to spend a part of my life in the system. This journey only made me stronger! Made me look life a whole different way. I really hope to whoever reading this you can find a way to write me so I can share my story to you .. I promise you won’t regret it ..I can be the best thing that happen to you. Give me a chance to tell you about myself. Don’t judge a book by it cover, I promise once you open this book you won’t stop reading it.
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