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The Cavern Und the Waterfall (part 2) - The Pack
Post Body

​ Part 1

Bri woke to the darkness surrounding her. The air was chillier than before but still warm. The sound of the waterfall was muffled in the background. There were no signs of anything else living near her.

The pain struck her body as she began to raise herself from the ground. The all-over body aches filled her limb, making her shake as she pushed off the ground. The freshly scabbed claw marks on her abdomen began reopening, causing fresh blood to drip down. Her stomach and pelvis felt shattered, and her little slit torn apart, but all seemed stable.

Bri was next to the pool of water now and looked over herself. The sight of blood made her queasy at first, but she kept exploring herself for other possible injuries. She felt it before seeing the dried semen coating the inside of her thighs. It seemed thick and cracked as she moved her legs a bit. For some reason, this made her wet again.

How could such a horrifying experience cause her to get wet? Bri knew she should be in tears, fearful of what had happened, but she wasn’t. Instead, she seemed to feel needy now, as if the empty room made her feel alone.

She pushed the thoughts down and the emotions that came with them. She knew what happened was wrong in many ways, and she needed to be mortified, not thrilled. Then, with a deep breath in and out, Bri could calm herself and gather her wits.

After a quick dip to clean off the dried remains of sweat and semen, Bri dressed and made her way out of the cave and home as fast as possible. She wanted to forget all about this day.

Winter passed with Bri never returning to the cavern. Instead, she avoided not only that location but the hidden waterfall as well. Her mind was made up to stay as far away as possible, even if her mind wouldn’t allow her to forget the moment.

Now, whenever she was alone, she found her mind wandering back to that day in the cave. She would find herself biting her lip at work or in classes as she thought of the warmth the beast left her with. Bri seemed to fidget more than usual as her mind wondered. At night she would wake from vivid dreams of the wolf filling her with his massive load, her heart pounding against her chest, and her underwear drenched with eagerness. But she continued to try and forget.

Most days, she could keep busy, and her mind wouldn’t have time to process the animalistic urges she’d feel regularly. Somedays, though, was difficult. Bri would visit the dog shelters randomly, acting as if she was looking for a new pet friend. Every time she would leave, she would be short of breath and feel like she would pass out as the dogs jumped on her and licked her face and neck. She would often need to hide somewhere and touch herself to the thought of another animal making her their bitch. Her desire for more seemed only to grow strong by the day.

Spring came in full bloom, and the warm weather made Bri eager. She wanted to go back to the waterfall and explore for the wolf again, but she fought the urge and sought other ways to fulfill her desires.

Bri entered the shelter, now a regular to the volunteers. They greeted her and signed her in, asking if she might be bringing one of the dogs home this time in a joking tone. Bri would laugh a bit and explain that she wasn’t sure before heading in the back.

This day, Bri found herself in the company of Buck. Buck was a black-haired mastiff who came to the shelter a week ago. Unfortunately, his previous owner had passed away, and having no family to take Buck meant he had been brought to the shelter.

Bri spent some time in his little cell, petting the massive dog and feeding him treats she kept in her hoodie during visits. Buck was a pleasant old dog with a calm soul. He didn’t jump all over Bri like the other dogs, nor did he have an aggressive tendency like others that Bri enjoyed seeing. He was just a friendly dog. The thrill Bri was looking for wasn’t there with him like she had with the others.

With a sigh, he petted the Buck and scratched him under the chin before leaving. Buck whimpered and barked as she stood. Bri began apologizing to the dog and giving him false hope she would come to visit again soon before she noted the red rocket between his legs. It seemed that Buck enjoyed her visit more than she’d realized.

She bit her lip, looking at the massive cock under the dog. It was nowhere near as big as the wolf’s, but it still put many other dogs in the shelter to shame. Bri found herself frozen as Buck continued to whimper and bark at her.

Her mind swam, and she could feel herself grow wet at seeing his meat. Bri needed to remind herself to breathe as she had flashbacks to the cave.

“Gross Buck!” said a voice loudly behind Bri, followed by a laugh. One of the volunteers had come up behind without her aware of it. The voice had managed to frighten Bri to jump, and her face heated up. Finally, she’d broken free from the spell that had fallen over her.

Before she could give away anything, she left the kennel and headed for the door. The volunteer was seemingly unaware of Bri’s situation. Meanwhile, Bri had finally decided to give in.

After a quick walk home to grab a bag of things, she went down the trail to the waterfall with the hidden cave. Her entire body thrummed with the eagerness to be a good little bitch for the massive wolf.

The weather had warmed significantly over the past weeks, and the waterfall was again roaring with water. The once prominent tunnel was now blocked. A torrent of water threatened to crush all that tried to get through.

Bri’s mind was made. Her desire to be back in the cave was too great to give up now. She’d also planned for such a possibility while at home earlier.

She removed all her clothing, realizing as her panties came off that she was soaking through them already. She then put them and her backpack into a dry bag before wrapping the drawstring around her hand. The next part would suck, though.

As she approached the side of the waterfall, she had no down that the slippery rocks would make this a challenge. Bri kept her body pressed close to the freezing cold stones as she got closer to the water. She first placed her hand under to feel it slam her hand out as a warning of the amount of strength it contained. It also made her hand go numb from the cold.

Now would be the time to turn back, her mind told her. If she left, she’d be safe in her home in a few hours. But that was only a tiny part of her mind. The rest only thought of what she’d have once through the cave.

After a few deep breaths, she stuck her body under the cold waterfall. The immediate rush of cold slamming into her almost made her gasp, but her mind kept her from inhaling the icy water. Instead, she pushed further under until she was completely submerged.

The weight of the waterfall made her slam to the ground, smashing her knees onto the hard stone below. Her hands also stung as well. The pressure on her back was threatening to push her further down.

Bri knew she needed to move and fast. The air in her lungs was already burning as she tried to keep herself on all fours. She managed to move and hand, then a leg forward. She crawled slowly but knew she needed to keep going now.

Her eyes remained closed, but colorful dots same in her vision. Her body was shaking. It wasn’t just the cold water but the weakening of her body from the lack of air. Soon she would find herself unconscious or breathing in water if she didn’t get out of the waterfall soon.

She was about to give up and try to make her way back out of the waterfall when she pushed through the back of the waterfall. Bri had made it into the cave. As fast as her body would allow her, Bri shoved the rest of the way out and into the cave, falling into a pool of freezing ice water that made its way into the cave entrance.

After slipping and sliding her way out of the water, she lay on the stone ground and gasped for air. Her lungs were still on fire, and her muscles trembling from fatigue and cold.

Bri reached for her bag to grab the towel and her dry clothing to put on, but the bag wasn’t there. The string that had been wrapped around her hand was gone completely. Shock filled her, and she searched for her missing belongings before realizing that they would be outside, having bend pulled away with the waterfall.

She’d need to leave the cave to get her stuff, which seemed horrifying. On the other hand, she was confident she’d never make it out and back into the cave tonight if she went in search of her bag now. She was here for one thing, which didn’t require anything in her bag.

Shivering and frustrated, Bri made her way into the cave again. Her mind remained at war because the idea of the wolf using her was supposed to disgust her. Instead, it thrilled her to know what would be coming. While her body dried off from the cold water, her slit grew wetter.

Bri arrived quickly at the hot spring, the warm, humid air a delight to bare flesh. The scent of damp moss left her relaxed. She finally felt at peace in the cavern where it all happened.

She looked for the wolf, but nothing could be seen of him. She considered traversing the other cave entrance but decided to warm herself in the pool. The icy water had chilled her to the bone, so the opportunity to soak in the water was too tempting. Anyways this is how the beast found her last time too.

She soaked for a while, closing her eyes to relax. After that, she opened them frequently for the phantom noise she could hear in the caverns. Nothing came from them, and she kept soaking until her fingers pruned. Time passed quickly with the warm water there to soothe her nerves.

The light that found its way into the cave from above quickly disappeared. Bri needed to make a decision soon. If she stays any longer, she will need to sleep here. It would be too dark to find her way home and to locate her missing belongings. But if she left now, she’d give up on the one thing that had been her only thought for months.

The sunlight was nearly gone, and the caves’ darkness made her afraid. She decided to get out of the pool water and air dry. Once she was dry enough to leave, she would choose.

All light was gone now, and Bri sat against the cave wall. Thankfully it was warm on her back. She’d stayed too long, and now she couldn’t see the entrance she had marked to leave. Bri would be stuck until morning came.

Panic set in as she did her best not to cry. She could feel the convulsive sensation leading to tears and sadness at being stuck. Thoughts of being stuck there for hours without a source of light and fighting the cold naked left Bri in paralyzing fear. Doomed to her fate, Bri was prepared to give up and lay on the floor when a slight glow could be noticed ahead of her.

Bri squinted to see the barely noticeable green glow on the cavern floor. At first, she thought it was a trick of the darkness but soon found that it was a bioluminescent moss that filled the cave. With the dim light came a pathway down one of the tunnels.

She did not hesitate at this new discovery. Finding freedom from the cavern is more important to her now. She began to crawl on all fours towards the light. It was the only thing that seemed to comfort her in the dark.

Her knees and hand were banged up as she crawled on all fours. She lost track of time, but it felt like it had been some time since leaving the hot spring. Soon Bri found the opening of the cave. The moon’s light basked over the open field and forest treetops.

Bri finally stood and walked out of the cave and into the cold air of the night. Her vision in the moonlight was adequate, and she could see the hills representing the way home, but it would require her to stumble through the forest and probably freeze.

Her mind had decided to head back into the tunnel and wait the night out. In the morning, she would find her way out and go home. Before she could begin the walk back into the cavern, Bri heard the howls from the tree line.

She stopped in place and looked toward the direction it came from. A multitude of glowing yellow eyes in the trees looked directly at her. They did not blink, but they did bob toward her. Bri was hoping to find the massive wolf among the numbers approaching her. She was unsure of how many there were but guessed at least 10.

They surrounded her in no time. Even as she backed up slowly to head back into the cave, she found escape blocked for her. Some wolves must have been inside the cave behind her because she never saw them as she made her way out of the cave.

Bri wasn’t sure what to do now. She wasn’t getting away from a pack of wolves by running away. In her adrenalin rush, Bri’s thoughts returned to the events from her previous encounter with the massive wolf. She pervades the crowd of wolves and notices one that stands a bit taller in the back of the group. The eyes met hers, and she knew it was the wolf from before.

He did not move or show any sign of helping her in this situation. Bri wondered if he remembered her or if she was just a toy to use and forget. He did not advance like the others, instead choosing to watch the scene being played out.

Her time at the shelter had taught her a few things about dogs and their habits. Then, one behavior popped into her mind, and without a second thought, she lowered herself to the ground and rolled over on her back.

The submissive behavior of exposing her belly seems like the right thing to do, but she also spread her legs, exposing her surprisingly soaked cunt and thighs. Bri felt as vulnerable as she must look in this position, and it excited her to no end. She knew that even in the cold air, she was sweating as the pack approached her supine form.

Her breathing grew labored as one began sniffing at her neck and another at her exposed crotch. Some growled in the back of the pack as the wolves searched her form. They seemed to be deciding among themselves what to do with Bri.

Without moving her head too much, Bri examined her situation. She looked up at the wolf standing over her naked form. He was currently sniffing her stomach and slowly going further down her body. She knew this was a he because the rock-hard cock dangled above her face. The sight of the engorged member made her bite her lip.

She watched the cock sway over her, the precum dripping from the tip and onto her face. She was hypnotized by its beauty. All she wanted to know now was to feel it inside of her. It didn’t seem to matter how either; so long as he was inside her, she would feel complete. She wanted to be this pack’s little bitch.

Her one hand moved upwards slowly with the intent of feeling the cock that dangled only inches away from her face. Growling from the pack around them seemed to intensify. She refused to listen to her inner dialog that her actions could make this situation worse. She would live or die at this point, and all she wanted to do now was itch this last curiosity before whatever came from it.

She brushed the slick surface of the wolf’s cock with the tips of her fingers. She felt him stiffen in place and stop sniffing her body. She slid her fingers back furth down his shaft and rested it in her palm. The head of his cock went rested on her forearm. The tip of her fingers still hadn’t found the sheath. She also noticed that the sound of the pack had stopped.

Bri continued to move her hand down the shaft and to the soft fur on the wolf’s sheath. Then her hand softly cupped his massive balls. She slowly massaged the two giant balls in her hand, wondering how much she could milk out of him. The groan that escaped the dog only made her start to drip juices. Her other hand now making its way up to the red shaft as she wrapped her comparably small hand around it. Then as if instinct took over, she began stroking the wolf’s cock.

It was slick in her hand as she slid it up and down the entire shaft with a light grip. Her other hand continued to massage his balls. She heard it continue groaning, and a smile crept onto Bri’s face.

A howl that was then released from the wolf. It must have been the signal, Bri thought to herself because the wolf sniffing her crotch began to lap at it with his tongue. Bri gasped and moaned in delight at the new sensation. Her hips arched to meet the wolf’s mouth. The assistance of her movement allowed the wolf’s flat tongue to be buried deep inside her wet cunt and slither around as if searching for something.

Bri’s entire body pulsated with pleasure, and she screamed and moaned. The hand holding the other wolf’s cock stroked it vigorously. Her other hand now squeezing her breast and pinching her nipple. Her body was an explosion of desire and lustful needs. Her mind could no longer make sense of what was happening or care about the consequences of it. Her very soul now kicking into a deeper animalistic side with only the desire to serve this pack.

She stroked the cock until it coated her face, chest, and stomach with his warm load. The feeling was exhilarating to Bri, knowing she could get him off. She squeezed it and stroked, hoping more would coat her naked flesh, but it only dripped on her now. The wolf seemed spent and pulled away, making Bri sad for a moment to lose the cock she was playing with.

The wolf between her legs moved up to straddle her body. His cock was hard and ready for his turn to feel her touch. Bri grinned at the eagerness of this wolf to have his turn. The only thing Bri could do in that case is oblige to the wolf’s needs. Her hand grabbed hold of the cock and began to stroke it vigorously. Meanwhile, a new wolf found its way toward her thighs to bury his snout.

This wolf didn’t penetrate her like the previous one with his tongue. Instead, he licked her ass all the way to her clit, over and over. He did this repeatedly as Bri screamed for joy. Her holes were becoming increasingly sensitive as they played with them. Another was licking her legs, trying to steal the spot between them from the other wolf.

Bri loved being fought over and took pride that she was this pack’s little bitch to use. Her mind no longer feared this sensation and embraced the ecstasy that came with it. How she shunned herself for these feelings and suppressed them is now long gone.

The cock in her hand was now close enough to her face that she couldn’t help herself. She pulled her head up a bit and put it into her mouth. There was little taste to it, but the slimy feeling was interesting to Bri. She slithered her tongue around the cock’s tip and shaft and massaged the rest with her hand. The groans of pleasure and thrusting of the wolf’s hips were enough to tell her she was doing something right.

The wolf between her legs also took control and mounted Bri’s arched hips. Her cunt was soaked now from the desire to be bred by them. It took no effort for the wolf to thrust himself inside of her. Bri gasped as his warm cock entered her body, which only made her suck the other wolf’s cock fervently.

The two wolves both thrust their hips harder and faster. The one penetrated her soaking cunt was massive. The deeper the wolf went into her, the more Bri felt her stomach bulge as it pushed further against the inner wall. Somehow the beast still had more meat to give her.

The wolf her mouth teased caused her to gag slightly as it slipped further into her throat. His thrust seemed to rhythmically match her forward head movements. What she couldn’t fit in her mouth, Bri stroked with her free hand. Both wolves left her body sore and her mind eager to have them fill her up.

As if to answer her needs, both wolves finished. First, the one fucking her filled her womb with their load, finishing with a long deep howl of pleasure. She could feel it warming her insides. Then, when he pulled out, she could feel it dripping out of her hole.

The one she held in her mouth exploded with a force that hit the back of her throat. Bri gagged on the warm liquid that filled her mouth and throat. Then, she pulled the cock out of her mouth and was sprayed with the remaining semen. Bri only giggled between gasps of air at this sensation of her face and chest being covered.

Both wolves then left her there a mess. Bri continued to gasp and moan. Her body was sticky and dripping. She felt like her life’s purpose was found. When her feral mind begged for more, it came without question.

Another massive male wolf sauntered to her. It wasn’t the one she’d met in the hot springs, but still enormous compared to the previous wolves to take her. Likewise, his cock was massive compared to the others, though he would be a close runner to the first wolf. Bri saw this one as a challenge, though. She wanted him to stretcher her little holes wide with his cock. She wanted all the wolves to take her as they pleased. To have all their loads fill her womb like a good bitch was her only desire in the world now. She was to be their toy.

Bri rolled over at this point and got on all fours. She lowered her chest to the ground and presented her ass in the air for the newcomer. She rubbed her clit and moaned, teasing herself and the wolf. She pushed a finger inside herself and felt the warm liquid already filling her. She egged on the new wolf to do as he pleased with her body.

He responded quickly by mounting her. His claws found purchase into her bare flesh. The weight of him pushed her face into the cold dirt below her.

The wolf was having trouble finding her slit as he moved his hips, so Bri reached back and grabbed his red cock. She guided the slippery meat to connect with her little stretched-out cunt. As soon as the wolf found her hole, he went relentlessly into her.

The slapping of flesh could be heard as the wolf howled over her. Her fingers rubbed her clit, and she gasped for air as she screamed in pain and pleasure. The massive cock pushed deeper and deeper inside of her, and she finally could feel what came next.

The massive knot at the end of the cock was trying to make its way past her little lips but found it difficult to breach them. Bri spread her legs more, hoping to displace her hips and allow it to pass. She then pulled on each side of her ass, hoping to pull herself out more for the beastly cock. The pain from his attempt to force his knot into her put tears into her eyes. She wanted to cry from the pain, but at the same time, she needed it inside her and now.

When it finally passed into her, the wolf didn’t just stop. He continued to thrust inside her, even though he seemed stuck. His movements were halted as he couldn’t get the knot out. Bri was being pushed around on the ground, and fear again filled her as she felt stuck inside her body.

The ripping pain was unbearable, yet she couldn’t help but want to keep going. So instead of trying to force the cock out, Bri ground her hips on it. She pulsated her cunt tighter and looser around the knot. This seemed to loosen the muscles around the wolf’s massive knot. She moved her hips up and down slowly to see if she could make it slide out of her yet.

The knot was enormous, and it didn’t want to release its grip on Bri’s body, but it slowly slid out of her. Once it was free, the wolf slammed it back inside Bri recklessly, but this time it slid in and out more easily. The pain of it passing each time made Bri crosseyed with pain and pleasure. It didn’t seem possible, but the wolf managed to become more aggressive with his pounding her hole. His claws drew blood as he held her firmly in place to prevent her from moving away from her.

Bri climaxed to the pain. She felt the spray of liquid and the warmth of it on her thighs. Then, for the first time ever, Bri squirted. No human had ever made her do such a thing, but this wolf managed his first time with her body. She didn’t even know she could until now.

She grew weak after that but continued to rally. She bounced herself back into the massive cock that overwhelmed her body. She wanted this beast to breed her tonight. She wanted to feel the elation of being filled with his load. Bri would do anything to have his seed.

The wolf’s thrust came slower but deeper now. He pushed more and more of himself inside of her. Bri could feel him throbbing inside her, and she knew what was about to come. A burst of energy filled her as she ground her ass against the wolf. Her hand reached back to stroke the wolf’s sack as she begged him to cum inside her.

His load came fast and filled her womb as she held him in place to take the entire thing inside herself. He kept going at her until he had nothing else left in his balls. Bri’s body seemed to have given up at this point, and she fell to the ground. The sound of the wolf’s cock left her with a popping sound.

She was covered in trying cum, and her pussy flowed continuously with an endless supply of hot liquids. Her breathing labored, and her heart was pounding. What little energy that Bri had left was made to keep her awake. She wanted more but wasn’t sure she would be able to do much more than let the remaining pack use her as she was.

Her determination to take the last of them was enough to put her ass in the air again. One by one, the remaining pack took turns pounder her sore cunt. Each filled her with their load and walked off. She was sure that a few had come around for another turn.

Bri mind was lost, and only the feeling of the wolve’s cocks entering her now filled her mind. Her Overly stimulated body twitched from the multiple orgasms she received from them. When she could no longer keep her hips up, and she laid a puddle of cum and her own mess, they finally stopped.

With what was left of her consciousness thought, Bri noted that she did not take the wolf from the spring tonight. He only stood and watched as all the others had their turn with her. She was too exhausted to think more about it, though.

During this weakness, Bri was assisted back to all fours by a wolf. They helped her mindlessly crawl into the cave and out of the cold spring night. She let them lead her deeper into the dark cave and assist her when she collapsed from exhaustion.

Bri wasn’t sure where she was headed, but so long as she was the pack's breeding bitch, she did not care.

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