Extreme. Such a simple word. Such a world of meaning in it. You've been searching for it. You feel the need deep inside. To be wanted so badly, that nothing stops your owner from taking everything from you. Your freedom. Your independence. Your privacy. Your identity. You need to be twisted. To be manipulated. To be wanted so badly that you never have a moment to yourself.
I will claim you. Every. Last. Bit of you. Every thought. Every action. Every emotion you feel, they will belong to me. I will be extremely possesive. I will be obsessively into you. I will put you under a microscope. I will see all of you. I will hear everything you have to say. I will be fascinated by every word, every giggle, every cry, and every thought that you create. You will cease to have your own life. It will become my life. Your body will be mine. Your heart will become mine. Your problems will become mine. I will treasure you in ways you didn't think were possible. I will burn you with my love. I will break you and make you an extension of myself. You will live for me, and I will control absolutely everything in your life. When you wake up. What you eat. What you drink. What you wear. What you read. What you watch. When you use the toilet. If you use the toilet. I will monitor you 24/7. Where you are, what you feel, what you think, what you do. I will watch you live, and I will be inside your head at all times. I will always be with you. Awake or asleep, at work or on the toilet, you will never have any privacy. You will never be alone.
In surrendering your life, you will discover heaven. You will be safe in the knowledge that you are loved. You will know without a doubt that you will never again be alone. You will never be judged. I will always be there for you no matter what. I will be parent, teacher, boyfriend, mentor. I will be everything you ever need. You will belong to me in ways that words cannot do justice to. I will take everything from you, and I will give you everything. You will always have a place where you can truly be yourself. Mental, emotional or spiritual, you will be able to express absolutely anything, and know in every fiber of your beeing that you are utterly safe in doing so, while surounded by unending love.
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- 10 months ago
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