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What is a Slave without a Master?- Chapter One: The Slave [F/F/M][Sci-Fi][Submission][Bondage]
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ForbiddenHemptation is a female or a male in Bondage
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*What to expect:

All characters eighteen plus. In fact the youngest is twenty-nine.

This whole thing started with me wanting to write some kinky sci-fi lesbian smut, but it kinda grew out of hand. And it became a more than seventy-five thousand word kinky sci-fi lesbian romantic adventure story thing, that also touches on trauma, coping mechanisms, and reevaluating what kind of person one wants to be and what they want from their life.

Like I said, grew out of hand.

So fair warning, this is a VERY slow burn. And despite the fact there is a FMF sex scene in the first chapter, I promise that the rest of it is FF only.

And also fair warning, this does touch topics some might consider uncomfortable. Specifically regarding the trauma and coping mechanisms. But there is no extreme violence in this, sexual or otherwise. Everything sexual that happens to these characters is consensual. And while one of my protagonists does suffer injuries, they are not gratuitous, graphic, or life altering.

This entire thing is also written within the setting of the online video game Elite Dangerous, simply because I find it a well realized, fleshed out, and compelling sci-fi setting. But I have done my best to write this so you don’t need to know anything about the game (and in fact I have taken some liberties). I believe I’ve given explanations for all the important stuff. And even if I haven’t, this story is much more about a pair of women than it is about the galaxy they live in.

That’s it. Thanks for reading. I genuinely would love feedback. I hope you enjoy it!*

The slave walked slowly down the dimly lit metal corridors of the Megaship: surrounded by hundreds of men and women like her all marching in obedient silence. The only sound was the chorus of so many pairs of magnetic boots rhythmically powering and depowering with each step: allowing them to walk despite being in zero gravity. She had to fight to keep the faint smile off her lips: she had always enjoyed the sensation of her short hair bouncing along while weightless. It reminded her of videos she had seen as a child of undersea plantlife moving in the currents.

As they entered into the main cargo hold she took in just how colossal these ships truly were. Deck upon deck of open metal pods only slightly larger than a human sat in neat rows and stretching off into the distance. Citizen attendants moved between them: helping slaves into each one. These pods would be where they would spend however many days it took to reach wherever the Empire next needed them: frozen safely in cryostasis for the journey. A fact of life she accepted obediently as all slaves did.

Upon reaching her own pod she removed her toolbelt, stowing it in the small locker located inside. Her eyes lingered for a brief moment, looking at the only possessions she had in the galaxy before closing the lid with a heavy click. The only other feature inside the pod was the padded seat molded directly into the interior. Complete with a waist and chest harness to keep her safely in place. And so the young woman stood patiently as she watched the activity of the ship around her. Slaves dressed identically to herself one by one obediently stepping inside their pods, only for a moment later the pod to let out a gentle hiss and fall silent.

It was only a few moments before one of the attendants had made their way to her. An older woman, dark hair tied tightly back in a bun and with a stern expression. She scanned the designation off the slave’s pod, looking down at her personal display as the ship’s manifest was updated. “ET4H2-5C?” the woman asked rhetorically.

“Yes Ma’am. At your service,” the slave replied, standing at attention.

“There’s a note here that your presence is requested in the Supervisor’s quarters before being stowed for the voyage,” the woman said simply.

“Yes Ma’am. Right away. Thank you,” she said politely before striding away: her hair waving out behind her with every step. She had studied the blueprints of every ship the Empire used (and many they didn’t) to the point she knew every bolt and bracket of the Megaship. But even if she hadn’t, the walk to the Supervisor’s quarters was one she had made many times before. And with most slaves having already been stowed away the hallways were empty enough it wasn’t long before she was knocking softly against the metal doorway emblazoned with Supervisor Korpick’s name.

The door slid back with a hiss, revealing the small but palatial apartment within. The luxurious interior stood in stark contrast to the rest of the ship, but Supervisor Korpick had always been determined to enjoy every benefit that could come from his position. Although his vision of luxury was certainly terrestrial, considering his apartment was adorned with fine furniture that one would struggle to use while weightless. “Hello Sir. ET4H2-5C at your service as requested,” she announced politely, assuming the attention position with her spine perfectly straight, eyes ahead, and hands clasped behind herself.

“Ah Coco!” came the Supervisor’s reply. His voice originating from deeper within the apartment.

“Come, join us in the office.”

“Oh course Sir, right away,” she replied, responding to the Supervisor’s nickname for her as she strode towards the voice. The door slid back as she entered the office. It offered the same luxurious and cozy feel as the rest of the apartment, but with floor to ceiling windows offering a gorgeous view of the galaxy beyond. And before these windows stood Supervisor Korpick, gazing out as his own magnetic boots kept him in place. Beyond the windows hung the INV Gilded Rose, the two kilometer long warship that to Coco represented the last two and a half years of work. But now complete the slave knew she was only a short cryostasis journey from whatever project the Empire wanted her to work on next. She couldn’t help but feel a quick twinge of pride as her eyes traced over the glorious ship, but she also couldn’t ignore that her eyes was also drawn to something else.

The Supervisor’s belt was undone, its ends fluttering as he moved. The front of his pants had also been pulled down just enough to reveal his manhood, which was buried deep in the throat of another slave kneeling on the ground before him. One of his hands rested on the top of her head, guiding her as she bobbed back and forth along the length of his cock. The kneeling slave wore an identical skin-tight white jumpsuit as Coco and despite her position she held an expression of calm contentment, bordering on enjoyment with her hands folded neatly in her lap at rest. “Wonderful to see you Coco,” the Supervisor mused, his voice perfectly as ease despite the work of the slave beneath him.

“Wonderful to see you as well Sir. It was a pleasure to be requested,” Coco responded earnestly as she quickly crossed the room and knelt next to the other woman, assuming the exact same familiar position. There was a slight click as the electromagnets in the knees of her suit engaged and kept her attached to the floor as gravity would. Allowing the other slave to keep her knee magnets was probably the only reason the she hadn’t been stripped completely naked.

The Supervisor simply chuckled, his gaze returning to the window. Coco assumed he was still admiring the Gilded Rose, but she didn’t raise her head to confirm.

“Beautiful, isn’t she?” the Supervisor asked after a moment. Not looking away from the window.

“Yes, she is. You must be very proud,” Coco replied simply. The Supervisor laughed before looking down at her. His breathing coming slightly faster than normal thanks to the slave’s mouth diligently lathering his cock.

“Oh I am. But you have reason to be as well,” he chuckled, reaching down and placing a hand on Coco’s shoulder. His thumbing running over the Imperial insignia.

“It is my understanding you were instrumental in calibrating the Frame Shift Drive. And is it true you installed a full three percent of the Rose’s maneuvering thrusters single handedly? That’s twice that of any other technician!”

“That is far more credit than I deserve Sir,” she exclaimed despite the man being correct. “I was simply doing what was requested of me to the best of my abilities.”

The Supervisor laughed in response.

“You are far too modest Coco. But I think we could all use a celebration after the completion of the Gilded Rose! Don’t you? Would you care to celebrate with Jade and I?” he asked pleasantly. Coco’s eyes darted to the side, watching Jade’s body sway in place. The woman was gorgeous, and Coco felt a sudden rush of heat through her lower abdomen. She lifted her head for the first time, meeting the Supervisor’s gaze as a warm smile spread across her lips.

“I would be honored to celebrate with you both Sir. I am always at your service,” she whispered, her own breath catching in her throat.

“Good girl,” the Supervisor chuckled before turning his attention back towards Jade. Coco’s cheeks flushed and her head swam with the compliment.

Jade for her part had never halted her motions, working her Master’s manhood with perfect rhythm even as he spoke to Coco. Her expression never faltered, with her eyes closed in contentment and her lips shining with a combination of her saliva and the Supervisor’s own juices. With every thrust his cock buried deep into her mouth, producing a wet guttural noise like no other.

The Supervisor seemed to let the pleasure wash over him as he contemplated what to do with the two women before him.

“Coco,” he finally instructed. “Bind Jade’s hands behind her back. Her neck tie will do.”

“Right away Sir,” Coco replied eagerly. She quickly shuffled over, kneeling behind Jade who obediently crossed her hands behind herself. Coco reached around the woman, fingers deftly undoing the knot at the base of her throat. She tugged the tie free and gently wrapped it around the woman’s wrists several times before pulling it tight and securing the ends with a quick bow.

The Supervisor nodded, “Good girl again,” he teased, smirking at the renewed flush in Coco’s cheeks.

“Now unzip her jumpsuit, all the way.”

Coco did as instructed. She moved closer, placing her knees on either side of Jade’s, practically resting against her back. She reached around the other woman, taking hold of the small zipper pull and with a slow deliberate motion she pulled it down, feeling Jade’s soft bust beneath her hand then the firm tension of her stomach. Coco rested her other hand across the woman’s collarbone to steady her just as the zipper reached the bottom, a few centimeters below her navel. She gently took the now open sides of Jade’s jumpsuit and pulled the material back from her chest. Revealing the woman’s breasts to the Supervisor. They were still confined within the simple bra of a slave, but now free of the suit they bounced noticeably with every thrust of the Supervisor’s cock.

“Good,” he chuckled. “Pull her bra down.”

Coco obeyed happily, slipping her hand within the cup of Jade’s bra as she took hold of the material. Relishing the feeling of the woman’s smooth skin against her fingers. And the gentle touch of Jade’s nipples sent tingles rocketing up Coco’s arms. Jade moaned noticeably, loud enough to be heard despite her Master’s manhood filling her mouth.

Coco tugged the material down. Working it back and forth to slip it beneath the woman’s bust before finally pulling Jade’s breasts free and letting them follow the motions of their owner as she was continually jerked back and forth by the Supervisor’s thrusts.

“Gorgeous,” he chuckled, staring down with predator like hunger. His breathing was coming faster now. Coco allowed herself to follow his gaze. She had been invited to the Supervisor’s celebrations before, but never alongside Jade. And she couldn’t help admire the beauty of the woman she was practically hugging. Her skin was as smooth as liquid metal, with the perfect hint of muscle beneath the surface. Her jaw was strong, even forced open as it was Coco let her eyes wonder along its length. She wondered what the woman would look like up close normally. She wondered what Jade’s lips would look like if they were allowed to close and curl up into a warm smile. What would they be like to kiss? Coco pressed herself against Jade’s back, feeling the woman’s arms digging into her chest and stomach. She rested her chin on Jade’s shoulder looking down at the breasts the Supervisor was admiring. They were full, fuller than Coco’s own. Flushed pink from the exertion she was under. Tantalizing beads of sweat forming on her skin, some shaking free and drifting through the air like fluttering snowflakes. Staring down at them Coco felt a burning desire fill her pelvis, and almost subconsciously she began to gride her hips against Jade’s bound hands. The woman even tilted her wrists up to give Coco that tiny bit more contact.

Coco was so caught up in the moment she almost didn’t catch the Supervisors next command.

“I can’t reach from here. Be a dear and play with them Coco.”

The woman froze, but after a long moment of piecing her mind back together, she nodded shakily.

“Thank you, Sir,” she squeaked as she took her hands, trembling as they were, from where they had been resting against Jade’s ribs and lifted them to cup the woman’s breasts. She kneaded the soft flesh with her fingers, watching the woman’s skin flush deeper with every touch. Coco reached Jade’s nipples, and gingerly taking each between a pair of fingertips she gave them a playful squeeze.

Jade bucked, a low yelp escaping her lips, and for the first time losing the rhythm and faltering her diligent cock sucking.

The Supervisor laughed; a sound interrupted by his own rapid breathing. His hand on Jade’s head corrected the rhythm and they continued. Coco being sure to pay special attention to Jade’s nipples as often as she could.

Beneath Coco, one of Jade’s fingers managed to stretch upward enough to brush against her. Coco jumped, but the finger found her again, gently rubbing against her pussy through the material of her suit. Whether it was as thanks or as revenge she couldn’t tell, but she loved it either way.

The three continued for several minutes the room full of the sound of moans and gasps, heavy breathing and the occasional whimper from one of the women. Finally, the voice to break the silence was the Supervisor’s.

“Coco… give her more…. make… her cum…” was all he managed. His usual unflappable voice struggling. Without hesitation Coco plunged her right hand down Jade’s stomach, slipping in beneath the material still clinging to the woman’s hips. She pressed lower, diving until she felt the helm of the woman’s panties, and then she dove beneath that too. Almost immediately her palm crested over the woman’s mound. Curling under her as Coco’s fingers encountered the wet heat of Jade’s pussy. Her panties were soaked, and Coco relished the feeling of it coating her hand.

She deftly landed a finger on Jade’s clit. Pressing down and rubbing firmly exactly as her left hand delivered another sudden squeeze to the bound woman’s nipple. Jade jerked within Coco’s arms, a shriek coming from deep in her throat before being silenced by the Supervisor’s cock.

Coco continued determinedly, brushing against Jade’s clit with her thumb as two other fingers curled upward and began to rub the inner wall of the woman’s pussy. A low tremor passed through Jade’s body, different than anything Coco had felt from her thus far. Desperate moans escaping the woman’s lips every time the Supervisor pulled back. Until eventually Jade began to convulse, and Coco was forced to release the woman’s breast, wrapping her arm around the woman to keep her upright. But Coco’s hand between Jade’s legs continued. Egging the woman closer and closer to her climax.

Jade’s shaking grew stronger and stronger, until all at once she froze. A long wet moaning shriek escaping her before slumping back into Coco’s arms, chest heaving.

The Supervisor carefully extracted his cock from her mouth. The monstrous organ still fully erect, with strings of fluid hanging momentarily between itself and Jade’s panting lips.

“Excellent work you two,” the Supervisor uttered between wheezes. “But it looks like I’ll have to ask you to finish the job Coco,” he chuckled as he took his own cock in his hand. Sliding it slowly along the length to maintain his erection.

“Give Jade a moment to recover, then untie her and switch places,” he ordered gently. Coco could only nod excitedly as she extracted her hand from between the other woman’s legs. She wrapped her arms around her and held the shaking woman tightly while desperately trying to ignore the fiery desire in her own pussy at the thought of soon being in Jade’s place.

Coco imagined what it must be like, to be tied by Jade, undressed by Jade, touched, teased, and treated as a toy by Jade. She quivered with longing, and after a few moments of blissful fantasy Jade had recovered enough she could speak.

The bound woman turned her head, bringing her lips up right against Coco’s ear. And for the first time Coco caught a glimpse of Jade’s eyes out of the corner of her own. They were piercing green, shimmering in the light, and looking like they contained a fiery personality that burned hot enough to melt steel. Jade may have been a slave, but there was a spirit in her eyes that even in that brief moment was enough to melt Coco too.

“You tortured me with those fingers of yours,” she whispered between breathes. But her voice was one of lustful hunger and drive.

“I’m going to give you ten times worse,” she growled before kissing Coco’s ear, her lips wet and sticky with fluid.

“That was my hope,” was the only reply Coco could muster: giddy with excitement.

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