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I know many of you voted for Mister’s POV on how he and Missy first met to be posted next, and I promise—it’s coming. But after writing Paying It Back, I realized that Mister’s story hits so much harder once you’ve seen just how far these two push each other. To make up for the inconvenience, I have decided to post a bit earlier than planned!!!
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Missy learns the hard way that late fees come with interest... and Mister always collects.
It was such a pleasant Sunday afternoon. Just me, an oversized sweater, glorious freshly shaved legs, hot green tea, and a tantalizing murder mystery. What more could a girl ask for?
Snuggled into the leather sectional in the living room, sunlight filtered in at that perfect angle where you feel like you’re in some staged open house. All I needed was a record player to scratch out some smooth jazz for the atmosphere to be just perfect.
I was wonderfully content - until a very sexy, very pissed-off storm cloud rolled in.
Apparently, Mister didn’t appreciate the vibe I was trying for today…
“Missy. What the hell is this?”
I looked up from my book to see Mister brandishing a credit card statement – my credit card statement. The one I forgot to pay on time. My stomach dropped.
How did he get his hands on that damn thing?
I made to inspect the document like it was the first time I’ve ever seen it in my life.
“That, dear sir, seems to be a bill and for a credit card, no less,” I responded sagely.
I could see the wheels grinding to a halt in Mister’s head, sputtering, then forcing a manual restart. He inhaled and then exhaled, closing his eyes before gritting out, “I know it’s a bill. What I’m so curious about is what it says and – more importantly - why.”
I scooted upright onto the couch and waved him closer.
“Hand it over so I can take a look.”
I didn’t need to fucking look at it. I knew exactly what it said – but Mister’s expression was too good to pass up. The utter disbelief on his handsome face, realizing I would go to these lengths just to screw with him, was worth it.
Because here’s the deal. If I was going to get in trouble, might as well fucking make it worth my damn time.
I shook out the papers to straighten them and started to read, “So you see here, this here tells you the total due and when its due. Ah – this little number here is your minimum payment, and this is…”
Mister snatched the documents from my hand. His face twisting into an evil grin. What started as a storm darkened into an impending tornado.
He stretched out over me, slowly, hands braced on either side of the arm rest, caging me in the middle. A knee pushed up between my legs, the couch sagging under his weight as he hovered over me.
He hung there for half a heartbeat. I forced myself to hold a cool smirk, giving it my all to seem completely unaffected. Which was a clinically insane response to staring down the barrel of a gun.
Mister cupped my cheek, his thumb gliding over my skin in slow, lazy circles—like he was savoring something. Studying it. Deciding what to do with it. My breath hitched. I shivered despite my best efforts not to.
“My sweet, sweet thing. How many times does it take for you to learn to stop when you’re ahead?” His voice dripped with cruel intentions. Such menacing intentions.
I blinked innocently but my whole body trembled. I tried for a bright smile.
“You know what they say. Practice makes perfect.”
A low laugh answered me.
“That it does. That. It. Does.”
My body wriggled, squeamish with anticipation of what was to come. My core hummed. Mister watched me, noting my expression – dark amusement broke across his face.
Then the man leaned down, and I squeezed my eyes shut.
He kissed me. Just a single silly little peck on the forehead before heaving himself off the couch and walking to the bedroom. A satisfied sigh followed him as he padded away.
I sat there – stunned. Something in my mind snapped off and flung itself into the great beyond.
That’s it?
The pool of heat between my legs cooled instantly.
I stewed in my confusion, unsure whether to get up from the couch and follow him or just wait.
Minutes stretched by. Nothing. Then I heard the blare of the TV as Mister turned on a football game in our room. So casual. So normal.
It was terrifying.
So, I pushed off the couch and peeked my head into the doorway.
Mister was folding and putting away his clean clothes. That’s it. Nothing sinister just plain old laundry.
My spidey-senses were tingling. Alarm bells rang in my head.
“Uhh, hunny,” I cooed, trying to sound natural, “everything alright?”
Mister glanced at my way and smiled. Just sweetly grinned. No hint of danger or anything on his face.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”
Nope - something was wrong, very wrong.
I hate to admit it, but I panicked – I lost my goddamn nerve – something was off. I knew Mister was planning something evil. Had to be. I mean why else would he have said what he said, right? Right?
But we just stood there as some hyped-up announcer screamed out a touchdown. Well, I stood there. Mister just shook his head at me and proceeded to smooth out the wrinkles of a sweater.
I was sweating. Should I tell him that I took care of the bill already?
I didn’t like how our conversation on the couch ended – not one little bit. I felt compelled to defend myself for some reason. Like if I didn’t, Mister would pounce on me.
But there he was just watching football, putting clothes away as if nothing happened - looking delicious in his grey sweatpants and loose T-shirt if I do say so myself. Damn that man had a body.
Ahem…. Still, it was all too much for a girl to handle. I’m embarrassed to say it, but I fucking spiraled.
“Just so you know…,” I bit my lip, “You don’t need to worry about that bill. It’s nothing.”
Mister raised his brow questioningly.
“Hm, why is that?”
It was all too calm. Too relaxed. It drove me bonkers.
“It’s all paid for now. I called up the credit card company last week and explained that it was a simple mistake and paid the balance in full. They forgave the late fee and interest. So..,” I gave a helpless little shrug and smiled, “problem solved.”
“Ahhhh, I see. I see. Interesting though, what is making you say that now?”
My grin grew uneven as I worried my hands.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I asked you about the bill earlier. Yet it seemed like you’ve never seen it before.”
Oh damn, was it warm in here? It felt warm. I tugged at the collar of my shirt.
“Oh, I only just recognized what it was after reading over the papers. The whole thing was just no big deal – you know? It just slipped my mind.”
His cool green eyes stared at me – I was burning at the stake at this point. My face twitched.
“Seems like several things are slipping your mind lately… like paying bills on time. Did you not have auto-pay set up?”
I scoffed, “God no, I don’t like it when the credit cards take my money. It’s MY money. I work hard for it. I give it to them when I damn well please.”
Something dawned behind those clover eyes, something I couldn’t put my finger on.
“Indeed, you do, sweet thing. You do work very hard for your money.”
A shiver shot through me at those honeyed words.
“So… we good?”
“Always, sweet thing. Always.”
Then Mister just went back to folding pants and hanging up work shirts.
I hesitated before turning away, simultaneously feeling deeply relieved and incredibly unsatisfied.
The day ended with us preparing for the workweek to begin, a dinner of scrumptious grilled chicken and mashed potatoes, and cuddles in bed.
It wasn’t until I got home from work the next day that I knew I was fucked.
Not just fucked – oh no - I had just taken my life and drove it off a cliff Thelma and Louise style. I had Wile E Coyote’d myself in the most spectacular way possible.
I was a goner.
Goodbye, cruel world. When Mister finally dumps my stupid ass in a ditch somewhere, please be kind and just let me decompose in peace.
Because on the kitchen table, was a freaking butt plug the size of Texas, lube, and a note that read:
My dear sweet thing. While I understand that you find the credit card incident to be “no big deal”, I am struggling to understand why would someone who works so hard, who values her time so much, willingly throw her money away? It seems to me that you have lost an appreciation for the value of these things. I want to help you find that again.
Since you were charged a late fee on that bill, you need to earn back what was charged to you. Here is a small list of chores for you to complete and I want you to do them with the plug inside you. Please have this done before I get home.
Be a good girl now.
“Be a good girl now” I openly mocked as I read the note. I smashed it in my hand, ignoring the tightness in my nipples, the heat between my legs.
Fuck this - who the hell does Mister think he is? I took care of the problem already – no skin off his back – why is he making such a big deal out of this?
I stalked away from the table and yanked open the fridge for something to drink.
My phone vibrated. I glanced at the screen.
Mister: I see that you are home now.
Mister: Is there anything good in the fridge? I did make some of the fruit flavored water you like. Have some.
My chest squeezed and I jerked my head around. My thumbs tapped rapidly against the screen. I held my breath.
Me: what are you – some CIA agent? got cameras up or something? spying on me?
Mister: Why, yes. Yes, I do.
What the hell? I slammed the fridge shut; glass bottles jostled. There was nothing around me, nothing in the corners of the room. Was it our Ring cameras? No, those are all outside.
Another ping.
Mister: Why do you look so concerned, hunny? Everything okay?
This sick motherfucker.
Me: no – everything is NOT okay. I’m being stalked by a crazy maniac!!! the fuck you get security cameras? where are they?
Mister: That’s not important right now. What’s important is that you be a good girl for me and do as the note says. Okay?
Fire surged through me. I was pissed. Yet deep down, something else stirred.
I mentally slapped myself. No way, I would rather be found buck-naked and dead on some toilet than get turned on by this shit.
I screwed up my face, bringing the screen a few inches from my nose and blasted out my response.
Me: actually, here’s a fun little idea…
I spun around the room, both hands flipping him the bird, and stormed into the bedroom for a long shower. I don’t even bother to look at my phone again.
Over the next hour, I squirmed. A slow terror had dawned on me as I toweled off from my shower. The sick realization that I 1000% had zero sense of self-preservation.
But there was no backing down now. No, I had gone a bridge too far, there was no turning back. This was war.
I didn’t move when I heard Mister pull into the garage, didn’t even flinch when his keys hit the kitchen table.
I waited for him to come to the bedroom, ignoring him as he softly called out my name. I was reading… well, pretending to, at least, sprawled across the head of the bed. A pillow resting under my stomach.
It took a few minutes for him to finally enter the room. He moved slowly, as if to creep up on me. The sneaky bastard.
But I was ready.
The mattress dipped under his weight.
That’s it…
He leaned towards me.
Just a bit closer…
“Hello, my Missy – Moo- Mo..”
I channeled my inner Mike Tyson, spun, and launched the pillow at Mister, hitting him smack dab in the gob. Bullseye!
“Aha! You’ll never catch me, villain.” I cried and bolted from the room, cackling wildly.
My feet pounded the tile. My next weapon—a wooden spoon—sat on the kitchen island. Arms outstretched, I reached, ready to launch it like a battleaxe. One more step and victory would be mine.
Then something tangled around my feet, and down I went like a sack of bricks. Air whooshed out of my lungs as I slammed hard onto the floor.
The second I hit the ground, strong arms seized me. Fabric tangled, tightened—wrapped tight until my limbs were pinned uselessly at my sides. I writhed, but the more I fought, the deeper I sank. I was trapped.
A deep, throaty laugh rumbled over me and my blood chilled instantly.
“Of course you ran. You can fight all you want but we both know this was never going to end any other way, sweet thing.”
I wriggled like a deranged worm, sweat prickling my skin. It was getting hot in here and fast.
Mister stood over me like I was some prized buck he had just taken down. His hair was wonderfully frazzled, his collared shirt slightly askew. He was breathing hard, wearing a smile so dastardly that it was fucking sexy.
I smirked, loving that I made him work for this.
“Unhand me, fiend!”
Mister chuckled, shaking his head. “Only if you promise to behave.”
“NEVER!” My battle cry echoed around me, and I thrashed.
Bad move as it turned out because that only amped up the heat. And all the while, Mister just watched me, looking amused.
Shit, this was uncomfortable.
I strained, giving it my all for one final escape, then sighed.
“Whatever… just so its crystal clear… I let you catch me.”
“Whatever helps to ease the sting of defeat, little one.”
I huffed and glared at Mister.
“Well?” My voice squeaked incredulously.
Mister crossed his arms and arched a brow.
“Well, what?”
“Listen, this really was fun and all - great time, 10/10, would do again - but don’t you think it’s time to de-burrito me? It’s fucking hotter than Hades in here!”
“Only if you promise to do as your told.”
“Uuugghh, you are the most aggravating person alive!”
I fucking hated this – here I was, lying like some tossed joint on the side of the road, with no choice but to comply or boil alive. Tears brimmed my eyes.
I knew what was going to happen next. My poor asshole… why, God, why???
My head started to swim from the heat. I was certain my face was an unhealthy shade of red. I didn’t want to – or maybe I did – but I caved.
My chest tightened. I bit my lower lip. Damnit, I was soaked. And not just in sweat.
“I promise to behave…”
Mister didn’t look convinced, only stared back at me.
I groaned, “Okay, okay, I pinky promise to do as I’m told. Cross my heart and hope to die,” I wiggled emphatically, “Now please, for the love of God, get me out of this fucking death trap!”
Mister sighed, obviously very pleased with my decision and himself.
The condescending dickhead.
With some trial and error, I was eventually freed from the fabric bindings and I bathed in the cool air. Mister let me lie there for several minutes, allowing me to breath, before kneeling beside me.
His hand caressed my cheek. It was so gentle, so caring. He lightly kissed the tip of my nose, letting his lips meander to the top of my forehead, and pulled me into a tight bear hug. I inhaled deeply, loving the smell of his cologne. He squeezed me tighter into his chest. My heart fluttered.
“Go get the butt plug and bring it to me.”
Jesus Christ man, have some fucking class.
I stared at him wide-eyed, stunned at how unbothered he was at telling me something so crude while acting like fucking Prince Charming.
His expression stoned before me. Shamrock eyes glinted a warning.
Obey me or else.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and shakily stood up.
The plug was just as terrifying as it was earlier. A cone-shaped metal bulge narrowed briefly before flattening out to a flat bottom. A medieval torture device that I wanted to bury in the backyard and never see again.
It was cold to the touch as I picked it up. Heavy. Like my heart. I grabbed the bottle of lube, praying desperately that I could still use it.
I glanced over at Mister, my eyes pleading.
“We can use the lube. Now go kneel on the bed.”
I blinked. Then again. Panic raced through me in realizing what was going to happen. I took a step back, my body screaming at me to run away and never look back.
“No, please, I can do it myself.”
“You had that choice before I got home. You decided not to do as you were told and that has consequences. Now, go do as I say.”
A fire sparked in my core, stoked by the mental image of me bending over for Mister to push this fucking plug into my ass. Fresh tears filled my eyes as embarrassment settled into my chest like hardening cement.
Not because Mister was making me bend over, whining like a bitch in heat. No, it was because I fucking wanted to do it. I craved it and it was ruining me.
Heat pulsed through me as I stepped into our bedroom. Mister followed me in. His expression curled into a ravenous grin.
I started to pull down my pants when Mister growled, “I said kneel on the bed. I’ll take care of the rest.”
My cheeks prickled as another wave of blistering heat shot through me. My chest was a circus with my heart clamoring and my lungs pumping in quick, uneven huffs. The plug winked at me as I placed it next to my legs as I crawled up and knelt at the foot of the bed. Large hands, raked nails up my legs and over my backside, hooking the elastic of my leggings.
Breathe, I needed to breathe but I couldn’t. My body quaked from the tension building in my lower gut.
Then Mister slowly peeled down my pants. I bit back a groan as I felt the damp fabric near my crotch momentarily stick to me, refusing to fall away until Mister jerked it down. I was exposed. Shame branded my skin pink. Mister had a front row view to the mess between my legs. My nipples tightened painfully.
“Spread your knees and push your ass out more, sweet thing.”
I swallowed hard.
“Yes, sir.”
I did as instructed and shuddered as lube squelched out of the bottle. My mind sprinted with an urgent bulletin to my asshole to fucking relax.
Shit. This was not going to be pretty.
I sweated under the anxiety of what was going to happen. Was Mister just going to ram it in there? I prayed to every deity and celestial being possible that he would at least try to go slow.
A steel cold tip nudged me… but not at my ass.
“Let’s warm it up here first, shall we?” Mister teased.
In one hard push, Mister forced the plug into my soaking pussy, filling me up, and pulling a gasp from my body. It was ice against my molten center.
Then I felt an intrusion, a slow poke of his thumb pressing into my back end. I whimpered pathetically as his thumb pulled and stretched the rings of muscles, pushing down and to the sides.
I bit back a cry as fought him, tensing as my asshole burned from his prodding. An ache twisted in me as I struggled to remain still, my body shuddering as it was forced to loosen.
I strangled a wail in the bedsheets as he inserted his other thumb. A momentary shot of pain ricocheted through my body. Mister slowed, waiting for several moments for my body to adjust before using both fingers to stretch me wide. He was looking inside me.
Christ Almighty, he was able to see into me. My darkest place forced on display. I felt so dirty, so misused.
I moaned. Humiliation seared my skin. I was melting from the heat of it. My vision blurred with hot tears.
“Such tight, cute little hole,” Mister observed clinically, “shame it has to be abused like this today. Missy, tell me, why am I having to punish you right now?”
I needed a meteor to crash into Earth right fucking now and end everything. But of course, I never get what I want.
“Missy. I’m not going to ask again.” His voice was low and dangerous.
I sniffled; a sob grew in my chest.
“Because I forgot to pay my bills on time, sir.”
A growl rumbled behind me.
My mind raced, no stampeded for an answer. I could hardly think straight between the pressure of the plug and his fingers.
His thumbs dug deeper into me and pulled apart. I cried out and tried to move away, tried to escape his eyes, his hands, the shame, the fucking shame of it all. But Mister had his claws in me, gripping me tight, stilling me. I was trapped.
I scrambled for something, anything.
“Uhmm, I didn’t do as you said?”
Again, those thumbs pushed in, their tips rubbed against the thin lining to my center. Electricity shot through me as I felt them make contact with the plug bulging inside of me. A fresh coat of sweat prickled my back as I trembled uncontrollably.
“No, sweet thing, try again.”
Fuck, he was going rip me apart.
“Please, sir,” I cried desperately, “I don’t know.”
He forced me wider still, my backside gaped. I was in agony. Utterly degraded. My body vibrated. I screwed my eyes shut, clutching the comforter like it was a lifeline.
Despite everything, I ached for something more. My core throbbed, a pulse clenched around the toy inside me.
Finally, he pulled away, and I gasped in relief. But only for a moment. In one, vicious pull, Mister yanked out the plug. I felt myself gush. My filth dripped and drooled onto the sheets.
Mister leaned forward. The soft fabric of his dress shirt felt like ice against my inflamed skin. I whimpered. Every inch of skin pebbled on my body as he brought the tip of the plug to my backend.
“You, my sweet thing, work too hard - too damn hard - for anyone or anything to take what’s yours.” His lips hovered over the back of my neck, each word was slow and deliberate. Every hair on my body stood on end.
“Your time, your money - they’re valuable. Precious. That’s why I have to do this.” His breath ghosted against my skin. “I have to reprimand you. Make you understand you can’t treat these things like they’re nothing.” A beat of silence, heavy and final. “Because the only one who can take from you is me.”
The plug began to press into me. I groaned as it slipped in and finally settled into me. It was too much, too big. Tears streamed down my face.
Mister pulled away, wiping his hands on my legs and took a moment to take in my sorry state.
“What a mess. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were enjoying this a bit too much.” I could hear the sneer in Mister’s voice, seeing how my body reacted to his torment.
Fuck, what an asshole. I should have donkey-kicked him right then and there.
Mister pulled up my pants and wrapped his arms around me, dragging me to his chest. The plug shifted uncomfortably as I stood up. I winced.
A scratchy beard nuzzled the side of my neck, and I shuddered as a hot, hungry breath teased my cheek.
“You are such a good girl. My good girl.” Mister turned me to face him, and I tearfully stared up into soft emerald eyes. They sucked me in, silently praising me. They showered love, and I just stood there letting it rain over me.
Mister kissed the top of my head and pulled away.
“I’ll get dinner started, sweet thing. While I do that, please start on those chores I asked of you,” he paused as a smirk edged into his expression, “and maybe change those sheets while you’re at it too.”
I bristled, regretting that I only used a pillow and not a brick to smash his face earlier.
“How dare you! You’re the one that made the goddamn mess! Quit acting like I WANTED this to happen you, gremlin. You sicko! Get out of my sight, out, out!”
I pushed him out of the room, ignoring the awkward pressure in my ass.
Mister snickered; his stupid handsome face bright with devious mirth, “But didn’t you, Missy-Moo? It was so obvious you wanted it.”
When I finally got him through the door, I slammed it shut. Right in his face. I spun away, paused, then yanked the door open once more.
“And wash your hands, you nasty fuck!”
A roar of laughter echoed in the kitchen as I slammed the door again.
I grudgingly changed the bedsheet, grimacing at the large wet spot I had made, then got to work on a few of the items Mister had asked me to do. Each step rattled my bones, and I throbbed. The plug rubbed against me, making me breathless with need. Time slowed to a snail’s pace as I clumsily completed my tasks.
About forty minutes later, Mister poked his head through the bedroom door and invited me to the dinner table. I begged for the plug to be removed, falling to my knees like some slain gladiator before him. I only got a chuckle, a fucking evil little chuckle in reply.
Dinner was wonderful – hot grilled steaks and loaded baked potatoes. I enjoyed myself despite fidgeting in my seat. Nothing I did made me comfortable.
Afterwards, I helped clean the dishes and put them away.
Again, I plead my case. I poured my heart into it. My soul. I delivered a stirring speech that would have turned even a serial killer into the light.
But noooooo.
Mister was a cold motherfucker.
“It’s almost over, sweet thing. Now please go to the room and step out of your clothes. I’ll be right in.”
I stormed away, hissing something about him rotting in hell.
I undressed and waited by the side of the bed, arms crossed over my chest. I shivered, not from cold, but from overwhelming anticipation. I needed relief. I needed Mister. I needed something - anything - to quench the heat pounding through my core.
Finally, Mister entered. His eyes smoldered with intensely.
“Lie down.” He commanded.
I started to get up onto the mattress when a snarl stopped me cold, “On the floor.”
I stared at Mister, wide-eyed and confused.
“Lay on the fucking floor.” His lips curled into a vicious grin.
My legs wobbled. Mister stepped towards me, his menacing form threatened something truly evil if I didn’t obey him.
As I knelt down, the distinctive sound of his belt and pants unfastening filled my ears. My heart thundered.
The carpet itched as my skin made contact with it. Nervously, I laid down. Mister stood over me, his rock hard length in hand. He stroked himself slowly, his eyes like twin green infernos devouring me.
“Look at me.”
My eyes locked into his and I was helpless as he jerked off to the sight of my naked, prostrate body.
He grunted as he fisted himself, and I felt my own desire fan hotter watching him pleasure himself.
“Touch yourself.” He growled, his voice thick with barely contained savagery.
I immediately complied, taking my nipples in hand for a few moments before letting one drift down to my clit. I moaned, keeping my eyes on Mister’s. The plug pressed into me, adding to the tidal wave growing higher and higher in my core.
Mister grunted and with one arm, leaned against the dresser beside us. It was as if he too was about to fall over the cliff with me.
This… this was seedy. This was intoxicating. This was primal.
I could see him about to climax, his hand pumping urgently. I rushed to catch up, wanting us to writhe in delirious ecstasy together.
“Fuck, Missy, you undo me.”
And with a kick of his foot, he pushed my hand off my aching center and pressed his heel onto that delicate bundle of nerves.
The pressure of the plug and his foot were too much. I saw spots. My toes curled. My climax was a shotgun through my entire body. I screamed.
Mister roared, mixing his release with my own and my body was painted with his cum.
I shuddered, eyes fluttering shut, the aftershock of my climax washed over me.
Suddenly, a warm, damp cloth touched my cheek and I looked up to Mister cradling me. He tenderly ran the towel over my face, my body, whispering my name over and over like it was a prayer.
I melted as he picked me up and carried me to the bed. His hands worshiped. His lips begged. And I shattered once again under the passion of his devotion.
Afterwards, we snuggled (I was thankfully de-plugged at this point) and watched a television show. I sighed contently and ran my fingers through Mister’s hair.
“I have to say.. I don’t know if I want to ever pay my bills on time again if that’s what I have in for me.” I teased.
Mister smirked and raised a brow incredulously, “Oh, sweet thing, that was just for the late fee. Tomorrow? You start paying back interest."
I gasped, thunderstruck.
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
What have I’ve done?
End of Part 1
Drop a comment and let me know what you think! What was your favorite moment? And what are your theories on how Missy will be paying off the interest she owes?
Part Two – "…With Interest" drops this Friday! Don't miss it!
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