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Sandy's perspective
I watch the unusual Kareoke Band from my front row seat at the VIP table, feeling that strange feeling of unreality I felt almost four years ago, when I first talked to Ari at Starbucks about Sheila's "decision" to be her submissive. The only difference, this time is I feel for the suffering of the subs, even if they are consenting volunteers.
I thought this was a good deal for my sister to get out of kitchen duty. She broke three dishes through no fault of her own, she was clumsy in the suit, unused to it. They got tired of cropping her, and wanted to shut off her hydration and cooling and stand her by the hot ovens. They were not doing that to my sister, no way! Luckily, Katie's Slavegirl Band idea gave me the excuse to get her out of there, without stepping on the toes of the people who made our foods.
Unfortunately, listening to the girls' strained cracking voices, I wondered if I'd really done my sister a solid. Bubble Butt's relentless Slave driving was taking it's toll on the young women, despite all three of them being fit and strong. They desperately tried to carry a tune to placate their harsh Alpha. But the poor things were exhausted and losing ability with each song. Bubblebutt's bullying was making them worse, not better.
Slave Border Bunny is center stage in her bitchsuit. Her pink blackout hood was replaced by a black zippered gimp hood with her pink bunny ears fastened to her lovely head. Her mouth is unzippered and despite being on all fours her neck is held up by a brace. This is so she could see the large monitor where the next song was projected and sing it with her fellow slaves.
Her fellow slaves singing were Slave Zero-my sister Sheila-to her right, locked at attention in her slavesuit, but with her gag deflated so she could sing. Her lovely moderate sized breasts and black pubic mound were exposed to gleefuly leering audiences held back by a ring of Dave's security. To Slave Border Bunny's left was Slave Smelly Cunt in similar slavesuited glory to Zero, though the breasts hanging out were larger and the pubic hair straw colored.
Standing behind them in a similar Slave suit, but unhooded with her girl parts covered was the Band's Slave leader, Bubblebutt-Alpha Cindy to her band members. The older Vietnamese girl didn't sing, just stood behind her bandmates with a crop, ready to whip some lovely bare lady ass if her band mates flagged in her opinion. She even had gotten to name her band "The Slaves Of Eros."
Slave Bubblebutt had one really nasty rule for her band. Any song scored below an 85 got a vicious ass cropping from her. If it was a group effort, three beautiful butts got whipped. If she made a girl do a solo, just the offenders sexy ass got whipped. The pretty slaves had just got done with a spirited rendition of "Genie In A Bottle." Now three pairs of apprehensive beautiful eyes watched the scoring on the huge screen across the banquet room from the stage. The only one who seemed calm was their leader, Slave Bubblebutt, tapping her crop in her hand and watching the screen unperturbed.
The scoring finished onscreen. A giant red eighty four flashed on screen. I felt for the three pretty kareoke slaves as I heard their collective groan of misery. The idea, which was so fiendishly evil and clever, really tickled the domme in me with amusement. The empathy that being enslaved woke in me, saw three suffering girls I pitied, not just my friend and big sister but poor Vivian as well. I wouldn't want to trade places with those three poor wretches on stage. Being able to commiserate with their suffering dampened my cruel enjoyment of it.
Alpha Cindy started whipping her poor beta band mates with gusto. "Stupid little cunts, can't even sing Kareoke worth a lick! How embarrassing! I want you to apologize to the audience! Then tell me you'll do better!"
"We're sorry, Masters and Mistresses! We'll do better, Alpha Cindy!" The three slaves croaked desperately, their voices cracking from being forced to sing for an hour with with no real breaks. If the suffering captive songbirds were hoping for mercy from their Alpha, it wasn't forthcoming. Bubblebutt whipped them harder and started creatively cursing the poor, haggard things.
I was going to step in, decorum be damned. But mercy for the slaves came from a suprising source. I heard Nora yell "That's enough, Slave Bubblebutt! Can't you see your poor slaves are exhausted, they're trying, but your pushing to hard on them. Holster your crop, help me do a wellness check on them and hydrate them. C'mon Sarah!"
I looked to the right of the table where Dave sat at the head. Nora was storming up to the stage, her Hanbok flowing behind her, while her submissive Sarah struggled to keep up with her Mistress. Lara and Constance were sitting to our right looking concerned about their respective lovers Sheila and Layla, but they were letting Nora demonstrate her initiative as a merciful domme.
To my left, Katie snuggled against her Tux clad husband, Craig, looking amused at Nora's bossiness with her sub. She caught my eye and winked. I didn't return it. I'd been sitting to Dave's right, snuggling against his shoulder. I wanted to rush up to the stage with Nora. But I was trying to show decorum as a good future southern wife. I gave Davey a look I was sure he couldn't misinterpret. He didn't, nodding at me "Go check on our people and Miss Johnson. Don't hesitate to have Bubblebutt help you get Zero and Smelly Cunt out of their suits if you feel it's a safety matter." I kissed his right cheek, got up and headed to the stage to help Nora, Sarah and Bubblebutt tend to the singing slaves.
Dave had a cordless mike by his hand, he picked it up, stood up, and announced. "Ladies and Gentlemen, our lovely enslaved songstresses need a break. After giving them a round of applause, we'll have an half hour intermission so the Slaves can be hydrated and tended to by their dommes. They'll be back to entertain you with..." Dave leaned over to listen to a smiling Katie, her husband was smirking too.
"Slave Zero, normally known to us as Sheila Connor, will do a solo of "I Touch Myself." Dave looked embarrassed for her, which is how I felt. How humiliating! The crowd laughed and jeered, though the hearty applause for the slave girl band seemed sincere. I turned to help my sister anyway I could.
Her eyes looked miserable, and humiliated underneath her hood at her upcoming "solo". Nora was talking to her as soothingly as possible, while standing behind her back looking at the suit disgnostics. I put my hand gently on her right shoulder with my left to catch her eye. "Sheila, hang in there big sis, you're doing great! Just focus on me while you sing your solo, you know I love you and admire your courage, draw pride and strength from me. We're Connor sisters!" She looked at me with gratitude, though I was concerened how dry and cracked her voice sounded when she told me "Thank you, Mistress Sandy."
My worst fears were confirmed when Nora shrieked. "Slave Bubblebutt! This slave's hydration bladder has been dry for the last 45 minutes. You forced this poor thing to stand on this hot stage, in this hot suit, and you didn't check her water supply! One more mistake like this and you'll be joining these girls singing, and I'll be the band leader! Border Bunny and Zero aren't just our slaves, they're our friends you fat thot!" Bubblebutt looked frightened, as well she should be, Nora never made empty threats.
I was mad at her for not only humiliating my sister, which was I could accept as part of her job. But making her suffer so unecessarily!
I took a deep breath. Maybe she was new at being an Alpha to three slaves at a major event and was making honest mistakes. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. I looked down to see Sarah had removed Border Bunny's neck brace and was crouched to her left gently patting her and hydrating her with a big bottle of water. "Slave Bubblebutt what is the status of Slave Smelly Cunt's water supply, I assume you took care of one of your own better than you have ours.'"
The older Viet woman gulped at my stern tone, but obviously preferred it to Nora's. Y-yess-s Mistress Sandy. "She's got half a tank, I'll top it off before Zero's solo." I turned to address the slave, who cast her eyes down dutifully when my gaze fell on her. "Slave Smelly Cunt, have you been getting enough water?" I tried to picture the pretty tall, fit, blond I saw on her bio on Katie's site, instead of the poor sexualized, faceless thing before me. Her frightened eyes drifted to Alpha Cindy, while she hesitated to speak.
I sighed. Technically I could punish her, or have her punished, for not answering immediately. But the poor Slave had been suffering from Bubblebutt's cruelty seasoned with apparent incompetence all night, like my sister and Layla. I needed to reach her. "Vivian, you used to be a domme. You know the safety of subs is more important than anything-I MEAN ANYTHING-else. That's how it should be. That's how it is in this outfit. Now, slave, have you been getting enough water?"
My using her first name seemed to jolt her, like she hadn't heard it for awhile. I could sympathize, I'd been there. Pretty eyes locked on me, insolence that I could punish, but would let go considering the circumstances. I'd added Slave just to remind her of our current positions before she replied. It seemed not needed. "Mistress Sandy, I haven't been able to get any water for awhile. I suck on my hydration tube, but all I get is a few drops..." Another fearful shift of her eyes to Bubblebutt. The short, thicc, Alpha Slave looked like she just thought of something that would be bad news for her.
I walked behind Vivian, keying the diagnostic screen above her big,fit aryan blond ass. There! A blockage in the water supply hose. A big red flashing marker, but no alarm. The audible alarm was deactivated by "Phu, Cindy, aka Slave Bubblebutt." I wanted to kill the bitch, how did she ever get promoted to Alpha Slave?
But first I had to clear the blockage so the slave could hydrate. I frowned trying to remember what the suit's manual taught about troubleshooting hydration line blockage.
I felt a delicate touch on my left shoulder, turning to see Sarah's gorgeous smile. "Let me do this, I literally memorized the troubleshooting section, I had to with my best friend stuffed into one of these rigs. I may have just been a Division Officer in the Navy, but my enlisted maintenance techs taught me a few things." Her smile faded as she glared at Bubblebutt. The Alpha looked scared and pale.
"Thank you, Sarah, I think I will." I stormed over to glare down at her. "Slave, hand me your suit remote." I could see the reluctance in her eyes as she passed it to me. "Take off your frontpiece and place it on the stage floor, hurry up!" She undid the turn screws that held the covering for her abdomen, from tits to pussy, placing it on the floor, then looking at me fearfully at slave attention. I went around her back to unscrew the seat piece covering her bum. I was planning on just giving her an ass chewing to scare her...but I needed to remind her how quickly she could go from band leader to Slavesuited bare butt songbird.
I unholstered her crop and glanced at Dave and Katie. Both of them nodded. We had a Slave discipline room set up if one of our slaves needed to be punished more than was polite in company. BubbleButt, Zero, and when they arrived for the party, Smelly Cunt and Border Bunny were shown the room and told it's purpose. We had given Bubblebutt authority to recommend the punishment room for one of the other three, since she was Alpha slave over their naked slave asses. Making her go there as a barebutt would help me make my point. I just planned a serious chewing of her chubby but nice butt, she didn't need to know that yet.
At Dave and Katie's nod I poked her bare bum hard with the crop. "Move, chunky ass, you know where we're going!" I locked her arms at her sides so she'd have a swaying walk that jiggled her assets. The partygoers leered at the Alpha brought to the level of her suffering Betas, eagerly drinking in her humiliation and terror. They also enjoyed the bounce of her MILFy assets. I thought they were kind of nice, too honestly. But vowed not to get distracted from my task.
I marched her right into the room and stood her in front of the inverted slave punishment Y. Purposeful messaging again. I told her to come to attention and used the remote to lock her in position. Then I stepped in front of her holding the crop at waist level in front of me.
"What the fuck, Slave? You know how dangerous those suits can be if they're not monitored properly, your Mistress said you're an expert on the slave side. Yet you let my sister's water run out, and Vivian's hose get blocked. How bad would it be to have two subs get dehydrated and pass out, maybe die because of your negligence? Or was it deliberate cruelty? You very clearly shut off the hydration hose blockage alarm on Vivian's suit, what did you shut off on my sister's?
"Come to think of it, I didn't see you hydrating Layla between takes, she was licking around her mouth, I've worn those stupid hoods, the only reason you're going to lick that nasty latex is if you're really thirsty. We agreed with Katie that it would be a hoot if you were band leader, and it made sense because you're the most experienced with the suits. It was funny when you made them sing bawdy songs, and whipped their cute little asses when they couldn't make an arbitrary score. But those girls were suffering badly because of thirst, we could hear it in their voices on that last song. They're helpless, they're welfare is your responsibility, Alpha Slave!:
I took a deep breath. "If you endanger one of those three slaves one more time tonight, you will be removed as Alpha Slave and band leader. Nora will assume both titles. You look suprised. Yes, Nora is a slave, just a very privilged one. And a strict disciplinarian. Sheila is a mentor, surrogate big sister, and mother figure to her. I think she only loves Sarah more. And you know what she did to Sheila?"
I told her about Nora's horrible laxitive torture of Sheila. I was gratified Bubblebutt's eyes got really wide. Again, telling her this was very purposeful on my part.
"Think about it, Nora loves Sheila, and she did that to her. She doesn't even like you right now, so what do you think she might decide to do to you?" Bubblebutt's eyes were terrified considering it. "So speak, what you say decides your fate, Alpha Slave and Band Leader or one of Alpha Slave Nora's songbird bitches?" She composed herself quickly, despite her fear. "Mistress Sandy, I didn't intentionally set out to hurt those slave women. I did disable alarms on Slave Zero's and Slave Smelly Cunt's suits. It wasn't to make them suffer, it was so the sound of an alarm wouldn't distract them from their performances. I was confident I'd have time to visually check their diagnostics to make sure they were safe and had plenty of water. I admit I might have been overconfident in that. It's just once I set a standard for them, I had to enforce punishment and motivate them to improve."
"I know it's not primarily how they perform, but the humiliation they experience that most plays to our audience. But I felt as their Alpha, it was my duty to get the best performance out of them I could, Katie wants our Slavegirl band to be a big thing, as long as it doesn't affect filming of The Perseverance. I admit I got overwhelmed trying to train and teach the poor, thirsty things, and forgot the most important thing is keeping them safe and healthy. Seeing how much I made them suffer unecessarily, while you, Alpha Nora, and Alpha Sandy gave them aftercare, made me feel terrible. If you want to demote me to band girl under Nora, I guess I deserve it. But please, Mistress Sandy, give me one more chance to prove I can be a good band leader and Alpha slave to those girls."
I glared at her silently until I saw sweat bead on her forehead. Then I let out a breath. "Okay, Slave, I believe you, you weren't trying to make your band mates suffer unecessarily. I appreciate you taking responsibility and being willing to take the consequences. I think you deserve one more chance. Better performance is still expected going forward. But tonight I think I can help you out." She looked at me quizically, yet hopefully.
"Since you need to focus on the slave's hydration and safety, why don't we get an volunteer audience member to punish them? Most of the guys and a lot of the girls here would love to whip beautiful slave girl butt when they fall short of standards. So why not get a volunteer to punish them whether they sing as a chorus or solo. It's humiliating for them, entertaining for the audience and you can keep them safe. IF "Slaves Of Eros" becomes big, we can give you rehearsal sessions where you can focus on mentoring, molding and discipling them into better singing helots. For now lets get through the night, with three safe, healthy young slaves with slightly tarnished dignity."
Despite the situation, Bubblebutt smiled a little. "You are a genius when it comes to humiliation, Mistress Sandy." I shrug modestly. "I been on both sides, I was nearly killed by my domme's callousness as a slave. Fetish humiliation can be fun, at least for tops, without hurting subs. C'mon, lets get out there, I want to see the gifls' reaction to the new way of doing things. I unlocked her suit completely and made a point to walk out side by side like equals, handing her riding crop back.
We walked to the stage, where Nora, Sarah, Lara and Constance. Had brought the girls back from a bathroom break, and were repositioning them, as well as checking Zero's and Smelly Cunt's suit vitals. I ordered Nora and Sarah to break off and help Bubblebutt get her coverings back on. They seemed suprised I was letting her keep her position, but obeyed me quietly.
I gesture for Lara and Constance to follow me after they finish checking the bondage of their slave singer girlfriends. I mouth please, mindful that with Sheila and Layla as slaves, these two are our Top Domme and Executive domme. I gesture for a huddle at our VIP table with Dave, Katie and her husband. Lara and Constance seem a little taken aback by their lovers being disciplined by strangers, but like that this helps Bubblebutt keep them safe. Craig and Katie think it's an awesome idea. Craig even insists on high fiving me. What a goof. For real.
Dave has mixed feelings about how we're humiliating two women he respects as much as Sheila and Layla with this slavegirl band idea. But he concedes it is a good way to help an overwhelmed Bubblebutt focus and keep them safe. Then he gives me a small smirk and I notice a twinkle in his eye. "If we really must humiliate those two brave, beautiful ladies, this is a delightfully cruel way to do it, the dom in me likes it." I give him a quick peck on the lips, replying "I'm glad it pleases you, Daddy." Then I head up to the stage to take the mike.
"Ladies and gentleman, fetish enthsusiasts, bondage aficianados. We're so glad you're enjoying our pretty, singing slaves. But we want to make it more fun for you. From now on when these girls fail to score eighty-five on a song, whether as a chorus or a group. We will pick one lucky audience member to punish the little beauties' adorable butts with a crop.What do you guys think of that?"
The guys erupted with lusty cheers, and plenty of women joined them.I heard Sheila and Layla yelling "No, no no! That's bullshit! No we won't-
Then I heard a riding crop hitting firm young woman butt. Stupid Slavegirls, shut up! How dare you interupt Mistress Sandy! I wish you were this coordinated and vocal as a chorus! I'll get you there my little barebutts." Bubblebutt was back in good form as Band Leader and Alpha Slave, silencing the two younger girls.
I got a mock serious look. "Oooh a couple of our little Kareoke cuties don't like that idea. Guys do we give a fuck what the little cuties think?" A resounding chorus of "FUCK NO!" answered my question.
"Without further ado, prepare to be wowed by my lovely sister, Slave Zero, singing the Divinyls "I Touch Myself" solo!" Cheers and laughs from the audience. "DJ, load it up."
Nora and Sarah followed me off stage to our seats. When I sat down, I noticed the bitchsuited Layla had a binky shaped like a carrot top strapped in her mouth. Her pretty hazel eyes blazed angrily but helplessly over it out at the audience. I looked at Nora.
She shrugged. "Bitch wouldn't shut up, so I stuffed her binky in there. Still wouldn't shut up, so I asked her if she wanted to test her Marine toughness against the bottle of Instant Regret hot pepper sauce I ordered on Amazon, just for her. Let's just say, Pepper Sauce one, Jarhead Zero." She giggled. I still was thinking she had a fifty-fifty chance of getting her ass beat by Layla when she got out of the bitchsuit. Still it was nice to see her confidence growing as the former Marine girl's domme. As long as she just used the sauce as a threat...
I caught my sister's eye as she nervously listened to the musical beat start up, and her eyes scanned the big screen at the back of the room for the words to her song to pop up. I mouthed "I'm your rock, you got this, sis." She looked a little more relaxed by my encouragement as the words to the song appeared on the screen. As she started singing about touching herself, I mused she did actually have a lovely singing voice...
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