861,975 subscribers
Here's all the flair...
[DC Comics]
[Star Trek]
Amateur Nerd
as if millions of important sounding names suddenly cried out
Ask Kirby questions. Please.
Ask Me About Copperheads
ATLA Scholar
Chief Engineer, Starfleet
Dances with Xenomorphs
Delorean Mechanic
Detached Special Secretary,
Doth Mother Know You Weareth Her Drapes?
flair to care
GCU I'd Rather Ask God But You'll Have To Do
God-Emperor of Bankind
half toon hybrid freak.
Has 47 Ph.Ds
Headmaster of Hogwarts
Holodeck Janitor
I am not an Artificial Intelligence
I deride your truth-handling abilities.
I'm with stupid =>
Imperial Private
In desperate need of a good lawyer
Jedi Apologist
Joss Whedon is my master now.
Keeper of the Whills
Knows too much about the world of Harry Potter
Lost in a dungeon somewhere
Misses that author
Multiversal Tourist
New Vegas Voyager, Historian of the 86 Tribes
No niche too esoteric
Not a Doctor
Not a Scholar
oh, it's that
S.H.I.E.L.D agent clearance level platinum/OMEGA.
Space-Time Physicist
Spends Way Too Much Time on This Stuff
Stop Settling for Lesser Evils
Telvanni Dust Adept
That guy who talks about Pern again
The books don't matter
The Prophets Did Wolf 359
Theoretical Metaphysicist
Thor Ragnarok/MCU
TI-9191, LT., Galactic Empire (RET)
To the knifiest, this knife
wannabe trekkie
Wants pictures of Spider-Man
What Me Worry?
When a problem comes along
Where da white troopers at
Wolfsbane for the Quiet Council.