[NOTE: If this post is still up, I'm still looking! Possible exceptions if it's months old, but possibly even then, so don't be afraid to message if you're interested, even if the post is old!]
TL:DR Slim, mature, responsible, considerate, patient, and intellectual guy seeking a petite to average size (as in, not overweight, not that you have to be short) younger girl (18 to 19 ideally, but may consider up to 21 or so). I don't mind if you've graduated or are still in HS, however you do need to want and be open to an in-person relationship in the near future, after chatting some online to get comfortable with each other first (ideally a couple weeks, depending on distance, how shy you are, how much we get to chat, etc.). I'd do my best to not interfere with your schoolwork if you are in school (I want to be a help to you, not a hindrance), so we'd plan dates around your school and study schedule. Anyways, I'm looking for a girl that wants the build the deepest, most romantic and loving relationship with someone that genuinely wants to get to know and understand them on a deep level! Also, someone that will DEEPLY appreciate and love them, on a level most boys her age could only dream of. Someone that will THOROUGHLY enjoy spending TONS of time with you, savoring every second, loving the memories you're making together, and the things you learn about each other as you get to know and understand each other that much better!
As for interests, as someone with many nerdy interests (and some more average interests), such as gaming (primarily PC, but occasionally console, board and card games), Anime, YouTube, K-dramas, Movies, etc., you need to have at least some interest in those things, and would enjoy spending lots of time cuddling and watching things together, or gaming together, etc. To be clear, I definitely enjoy going out sometimes too, walks or jogs in the park, checking out new parks/malls/museums/other cool places, etc., so I'm not looking to ONLY do nerdy things / indoor things. Also, of course I'm open to trying some of your interests as well; we also don't need to share ALL the same interests, so it's fine if you're not interested in ALL the same things as I am. But we need to share at least a few core interests, and cuddling and watching things together, as well as PC gaming, are my two biggest ones. Also, I used to go to Anime conventions regularly (which would also cover video game stuff), and I'd love to again sometimes with a date/partner! Might be fun to cosplay together, but not a requirement; just going casual and enjoying the con is nice too. Oh, I also have a relatively newfound LOVE for theme parks (and to a lesser extent, water parks, and to a much lesser extent, amusement parks - but only because their rides are usually too aggressive / too big drops for me haha). My all-time dream dates (plural because I'd love to go together MANY times) would be to go to the theme parks together! [For now, the ones in Orlando, FL, but someday I'd love to visit ones all over the world!]
While I do have some dating experience, it's not a lot for my age, so dating and spending time together with a girl is still SUPER fun and special and relatively new and exciting to me! Point is, a good, deep relationship is something I've wanted most of my life, and I will SO deeply appreciate it and enjoy it and be completely satisfied and happy with her, if I can find the right girl! I want to be very, VERY clear: I am NOT looking for someone younger because I'd only love someone when they're young. I want to START our relationship when they're that age, and make SOOOOO many of the most amazing memories together, that we can look back on and share as we get older. I really, REALLY want to find a good girl and stay with her forever! I hate every possible aspect of the "searching" part of dating [I don't mind the chatting and dating part, I just don't like the searching, getting ghosted after chatting for a day or two, etc. part]. I want to build a SUPER deep connection, where we get to know and understand and love and trust each other on the deepest, most personal level - and then do our best to keep that connection forever, and enjoy it the rest of our lives. Anyways, point is, this is NOT about me only being interested in a young girl, it's about wanting to share experiences together as a couple that can only be had when starting the relationship when she's young. I didn't get to have ANY of those experiences when I was young, so in many ways I'm experiencing some of those experiences for the first time as well. But, to be clear, this is NOT about living vicariously through a younger partner; it's more the total opposite of that, I want to get to be there, be a part of it, and get to experience, make, and share those memories together! There are so, So, SOOOO many things I want to do together, places I want to go together, memories I want to make together, I believe we can have some of the most amazing, most romantic times together, and memories to share together! There may be no one in the world that will enjoy, appreciate, and be satisfied with a girl / romantic relationship more than I will, if we click well enough, and there's no way that wouldn't at least somewhat spread to the girl enjoying those times and memories and experiences together, with someone that loves them so deeply!
I'd love to find a girl that wants to experience a "first love" style of romance, and by that I mean going on all sorts of dates, possibly including some cheesy ones, holding hands a lot while we walk around in parks, at the mall, even at the supermarket if you wish (if you're super shy we can hold off on the PDA such as hand holding until you're more comfortable, or even avoid it if that's really not your thing - also I'm not huge on PDA myself beyond hand holding, so no pressure). By "first love" I also mean just being very romantic, excited to see and spend time with each other, and also lots of hugs and cuddles and kisses (only in private is fine at first if you're shy). While I have been in a relationship before [never been married though], I've only had one for a few years (and it was an LDR, although we did meet in personal regularly), so despite my age I don't have a lot of experience in relationships. Therefore it's still relatively new to me, and still EXTREMELY special; yet another reason why I describe it as first love, because we both won't have a ton of experience. Anyways, we can do all sorts of things in life together, cuddle, travel, explore, and just in general enjoy life together and spending time together. Also trying lots of new things together and really appreciating the memories we're making together! Basically just going all-in on the romance / relationship and giving it our all (this doesn't mean rushing things), and just thoroughly enjoying the ride as we get to know each other better and better, and hopefully we click well enough to stay together forever! <3 I'm not naive, I understand there's always going to be some disagreements and challenges in any relationship, but if we click well enough and are both willing to put in the effort to make things work, we can keep those to an absolute minimum, and THOROUGHLY enjoy the rest of the 99% of the time we spend together. I'm usually pretty good about keeping things in perspective and trying to make sure minor problems and disagreements don't become a big problem that could threaten the relationship. That said, for any good relationship to work, it definitely DOES REQUIRE BOTH parties to put in their best effort. I can promise to do my best to do my part, but it would still require you to put in your effort as well. That said, in any relationship, to a large extent you get out some correlation as to what you put in, so if you are willing to put in the effort, you have the opportunity / potential to have / continue to have one of the deepest, closest, romantic connections ever! <3 Don't be afraid of that though; that comes with time, it doesn't happen right away, and you don't need to open yourself up (emotionally) on that level right away either. As long as we click and are clearly both very interested in each other, I'm happy to take our time in building that deep of a connection, and let it happen naturally. <3 So if you're shy or nervous about it, just know we can take things at your pace (within reason).
If you're shy, even extremely shy, nervous, or anxious, but REALLY deeply desire to have a romantic relationship, someone you're SO close to, can be yourself and feel fully comfortable around, understands you (and you, them), can share anything that's on your mind with, and feel safe, comfortable, and at home with them. Someone that means so much to you that the other problems in your life are so trivial in comparison, because you can be so happy with them, even if you only had them (although, obviously, we should make every reasonable effort to keep and any all good connections, i.e. with friends and family). Anyways, to be clear, it's NOT a requirement that you're shy; if you're outgoing, or somewhere in the middle, and just want to explore new things and places in life together with someone you're SO close with, that's cool and fine too! The reason I mention shy people is because I used to be EXTREMELY shy myself when I was younger; I'm not anymore (and I'd to my best to help you get more comfortable and confident over the years), but because I've been there myself, I can usually get along well with shy people, and make them feel very comfortable with me relatively quickly, since I understand them. I can also do things like carry the conversation if needed, I know a lot of shy people REALLY enjoy chatting but don't know what to say, and would really appreciate and enjoy someone that can carry the conversation. On the other hand, if you're the talkative type, I LOVE hearing your thoughts as well, so that's fine too!
On a side note to all that, if you have strict parents, whether that's never letting you date, or having you live under a rock and not have much social life, or don't get many cultural references, etc., as someone that's been there for some aspects of that, if some of that applies to you, then I can understand you on a DEEP level that FEW other people can. It seems that specifically for those sorts of problems, or people with narcissist or mentally abusive parents, people that DIDN'T experience that rarely can come even REMOTELY close to understanding what kind of hell it can be to go through that. I understand though, but it's also good to know that things get MUCH better once you're independent. Anyways, again it's most definitely NOT a requirement for you to have experienced that either (I'm quite normal and outgoing now, in case you're wondering). Anyways, for anyone that has either experienced that, or is shy or SUPER shy, this could be a GREAT and possibly extremely RARE opportunity for you, to find someone that understands you SO deeply, and in the case of shy girls, an opportunity to date with a guy that both understands you, and is willing to have the patience and take the time to let things go at your pace, so that you're comfortable all along the way! That doesn't mean I won't gently nudge you sometimes to help you slowly move out of your comfort zone to grow (as in, being less shy, not as in doing things you don't want to are uncomfortable with or anything like that), but I'll be loving and understanding when I do. If you're a lurker that's always been too shy to reply to a post, and are WAYYYY too shy to ever post yourself, this is the perfect opportunity for you! We can take our time and have a private conversation and see if we click / see if your interested in me, and if so we can slowly start a relationship at your pace, and you can finally get to experience for yourself romance, in ways you've only dreamt of, or read about in books, etc. Sure, romance in real life isn't quite the same as in novels or movies, but from my experience, if you click VERY well with each other, it can actually be a lot closer to it than you might think. I've definitely learned that love can be underrated; if you've never experienced it, it really can be the most indescribably amazing experience imaginable! That goes for any girl that hasn't experienced it, not just the shy ones haha. ;) Having someone SO special that you're that close with really does change the way you view everything in life (and change it for the better). Not necessarily drastically change things, but more change your perspective and priorities and things like that. Also, if you're someone that's never had anyone that you've been super close with (as in, not even a close friend [and I don't mean in a romantic way in that case]), then getting to experience love and a deep connection with someone will be even MORE special for you! It can also give you a lot of self-confidence, and having someone that close is a great way to learn SO many things from them too! To be clear, that goes both ways - there would also be SO many things that I'd learn from YOU as well!
Size wise, as I'm a relatively slim guy myself, I'm attracted to girls that are petite to average weight. I want to be able to do some athletic things together like walking/jogging/perhaps some sports (and/or other things, depending on what you're into). So it's not just an attraction thing that I'm not interested in people overweight, it's a matter of lifestyle / mentality / and being able to do certain things together. Of course I expect my partner to have the same expectations of me, that I don't get fat either. I also have a slight preference for shorter girls, but that part isn't a big deal to me; i.e. I don't mind even if you're around my height, or even taller. I super enjoy the size difference between us, particularly if you're petite, even moreso if you're short and petite, it's just so much fun to be able to pick you up so easily, or completely surround you when cuddling (particularly when you're the little spoon) haha. Plus, from what I hear it's pretty amazing for the girl too, as I'm told it makes them feel super safe and comfortable and happy to have a tall guy to love and protect them. :)
As for ethnicity, I'm white, and I'm primarily looking for someone that's either White or Asian (or some mix thereof). I may be willing to consider someone that's Black or possibly [Asia] Indian; in those cases it's not that I don't find you attractive, but that there's often - but not always - some major cultural differences. That said, again, I understand that that's not always the case. Anyways, if you are one of those ethnicities and you find me / my post interesting, and think that we'd get along, feel free to message me! I'm happy to chat and learn more about each other and see if we click well enough. Side note to that, for whites or Asians (or mixes of the two), I'm willing to at least consider a relationship if you live overseas (and are interested in / willing to put in the effort that an overseas relationship would require), so if you're interested, feel free to message and we can chat and see if we click / see how practical things would be. You would need to be able to speak English at least decently well though, if you're from or live overseas in a not-primarily-English country. For everyone else, I'm not specifically looking for a relationship overseas, as that would be very challenging haha, but for the right girl it would be worth the effort. Of course, if you're local or semi-local, and you turn out to be the right girl, I'm happy to put equally as much effort into you as well! <3
Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me describe myself a bit. I'm a slim, considerate, responsible, reliable, intellectual, and intelligent guy, sometimes get called cute, and I'm usually a pretty upbeat and optimistic person. I'm a single white male, never married, and no kids (so far, but I want them). I'm 40 (but I look a bit younger), 5'11" and relatively slim at around 160 lbs. I've been a bit lonely lately and would LOVE to find a girl that wants a deep, loving, emotionally and mentally close relationship, and is willing to put in the time and effort to build that - assuming of course we click well enough. That doesn't mean we need to rush into things, and I'm not looking to - I'm just saying that should be our end goal. If we date for a while and then decide we're not a close enough match, well, it happens sometimes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try! Besides, if we treat each other well, then there's lots of good, valuable experience and life lessons we can learn from our time together, and hopefully both of us be a better, more well-rounded person even if things don't work out. So moving on to address the elephant in the room, yes, I would be a good bit older than you, so obviously you need to be OK with dating a middle aged guy, and I realize that's not for everyone - and that's fine. I'm not looking to pressure anyone into anything. But I also know that there most definitely ARE some girls out there that are open to that, as well as some that specifically prefer that [and some that absolutely LOVE that]. There's advantages to dating someone a bit older than you, such as them being A LOT more mature, responsible, considerate, respectful, and, perhaps most importantly, appreciate life and a deep relationship sooooo much more. Someone whom knows when they have someone special with them, and can appreciate and enjoy that on a level that someone your age can't. Anyways, as long as you're genuinely open to a deep, serious relationship with someone my age, hopefully someday leading to a serious LTR - and someday in the not too distant future, kids - then that's fine. Like I said, I'm not looking to rush into anything, I want to spend some time chatting and getting to know each other first, so we can get comfortable with each other before meeting. So if you're shy, even extremely shy, don't worry, it's OK, I'll work with you and not pressure you! (Although you DO need to WANT to meet and have an in-person relationship, so you need to be willing to be consistently moving closer to that as we chat and learn more about each other, and need to be willing to ACTUALLY MEET in person after not TOO long of chatting and getting comfortable with each other. I have ZERO interest in an online-only relationship. Anyways, if needed I can carry the conversation until you start getting more comfortable and more talkative (or most of the time, if you're just naturally more quiet and prefer the guy to do most of the talking). ;) Like I mentioned earlier, if you've been too shy to talk to guys you like (or possibly you do like older guys but are WAY too shy to approach one) - but genuinely DO want a relationship and would love to find someone willing to spend the time to get to know and truly understand you, this could be THE opportunity you've been waiting for! On the other hand, if you're outgoing and love to chat [and looking for a relationship], that's totally cool too! haha Both sides of that coin can be fun, so I'm cool with either way you are. ;)
Anyways, that's a bit about me, I'd love to hear some about you and what your interests are! And maybe note some shared interests that we have! We don't need to share every interest, as long as we share a few. Of course I do have some additional interests, I haven't listed EVERYTHING haha, nor do you need to in a first message haha. Just because my post is long doesn't mean your messages have to be haha. Seriously though, I mean that - don't feel AT ALL pressured to type long messages just because I do - whether it's your first message to me or your hundredth. I'm a quick typist and like sharing things, but as long as your energy and interest (and hopefully someday, love) is into it, it's the thoughts and emotions that count, not how long the message is. ;)
While ideally I'd love to find someone within 2 to 3 hours of Harrisonburg, VA, I'm willing to consider someone anywhere in the US (possibly just the lower 48 states). Drives longer than 3 hours are definitely still very plausible, possibly even 8 or 10 hours perhaps, and flying is an option if you live significantly further away (plus points if you live anywhere remotely near a major airport, but that's not a requirement). Anyways, my point is, if you're further away than a few hours drive, I'd need you to be willing to travel / work with the distance when the time comes - particularly with the drastically increased costs of gas/travel these days. For example, if you're pretty far away, then after the first visit or two, we'd probably need to be planning longer visits when one of us travels to the other. Anyways, I'm not looking to rush into meeting, but I'm also NOT INTERESTED in an online only relationship. We need to start meeting in person in the relatively near future (i.e. a few weeks or so (possibly several weeks if you're far), assuming we talk a good bit during those few weeks). Also, I'm willing to come to you the first visit (or perhaps more) if you're far, but after the first visit or two you'd need to be willing to visit me, as that's going to be a LOT cheaper than me flying out somewhere, getting a hotel, and renting a car. On the other hand, if you're much closer, within a reasonably driving range, if needed I could pick you up in my car once you're ready to visit (and I can just drive to you for the first few visits). And if you're within 3 hours or so drive, I'm happy to drive to you for several visits at first, until you're ready to visit me. Regardless of the timing, I'm not going to pressure you do visit me before you're comfortable doing so, and it's something we can play by ear. For example, if you're someone that's super shy I understand if it takes a few extra times of me visiting you before you're ready to visit me, or perhaps we need to chat some extra time first, etc. I'd be willing to consider someone overseas as well, although of course for that we'd need to click SUPER well and both be willing to put in a LOT of effort (and travel) for it to work out, but if we click well enough, it's worth the effort! So if you are overseas, and willing to put in the effort (i.e. I'd be willing to visit you the first time, but you'd probably need to visit me the next time, possibly most of the time, if that's [most likely] much cheaper for us, etc.), and you find me interesting and think we'd click, I'd love to hear from you! It can't hurt to chat and see if we click well enough to make something that long distance work. ;) Besides, getting to visit other countries and show each other around in our countries could be a lot of fun as well. That said, for the rest of you that are local or in the U.S., of course I'm still VERY interested in you, as not having to deal with the extreme distances of an overseas relationship would save a bunch of hassle and stress. And there's certainly plenty of places for us to explore in the U.S., and no reason that someday we couldn't travel overseas and check out other countries as well (I would love to someday - I have been overseas before, but there's MANY more places I'd love to visit).
Thanks for reading my rather long post haha, hopefully I've piqued your interest! If so, I'd love to hear from you! Certainly feel free to ask me any questions you may have, either if you're interested, or if you're curious but need to know some more before you know if you're interested haha. Also, I'm happy to exchange some (clean!) pictures of each other after a few messages. On that note, when you message me, please tell me at least a little about you (i.e. age, race, height/weight, and a little about you and what you're looking for). Thanks again, and hopefully this can be a great opportunity for both of us, and the start of something amazing!
P.S. To the SUPER shy and lurkers out there - yes, you, you know who you are - if you've been looking and wanting a relationship for a while, maybe your whole life, but have been too shy to ever post yourself, or possibly even too shy to respond to a post, but you find me / what I'm looking for interesting, THIS is the post for you, THE one you've been waiting for. Because I've been there myself, I've been that SUPER shy person, and I TOTALLY understand what that's like; so I'm going to understand you, the way you feel, the way you think (to some extent, mostly in regards to being shy), etc., and I'm going to be someone that's extremely patient with you, but also understands that you need to be VERY GENTLY pushed a little out of your comfort zone sometimes to grow, try new things, gain self confidence, etc. You may never find another guy that will understand how you feel as well as I do, or be as willing to work with you, or - perhaps most importantly - appreciate you as much as I will (assuming we click and start a relationship, etc.). I've talked to a few VERY shy girls occasionally, and it was such an amazing experience for some of them to talk to someone that understands them and is willing to take the time to get to know them, and give them time to get comfortable before meeting. Someone that can help them slowly come out of their shell, gently nudging them to try new things and slowly be more outgoing, but without being pushy. So if that's you, you fit what I described that I'm looking for, and you're THAT shy but REALLY do want to be in a relationship, THIS is the post that's the opportunity for you. You've found the person that's willing to spend the time to get to know you and let you get comfortable, and also the guy that's going to enjoy and appreciate spending time with you in person if/when we get to that point (hopefully, that's the objective). I understand that shy girls, if you can get to know them well enough that they get comfortable with you, can often build some of the deepest emotional connections, because they appreciate the few close friends they do have SO much moreso than average people. So, if that's you, and you've been wanting a relationship but been too shy to message anyone, PLEASE do this time! <3 I can carry the conversation completely if needed, but you need to at least say "hi" so that I know you're interested! [If you're too shy to say much, just say "Hi, I'm shy but I'd love to chat" or something like that]. :) Romance doesn't have to be just something you just read about in books or watch in movies, you, yes YOU CAN experience it for yourself, and it's more amazing than you can imagine! <3
Oh, and I'd also like to make it clear, I want to help you become stronger, more confident, more knowledgeable, more experienced, more capable, and more independent. I want to help you grow and learn, but most importantly, I want you to be with me because we love each other and you WANT to be, NOT because you're dependent on me and can't take care of yourself. I'm NOT looking for someone younger OR someone shy so I can control or manipulate them (nor do I want to do that), but because I've been that younger/inexperienced/shy person myself, and I want to help someone else be able to rise up out of that, and be capable and self-confident - while also being in a loving relationship.
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