110,503 subscribers
Here's all the flair...
‘just got lucky, no skill’s present’
1st victim of THE PURGE 2024
Balls of steel, or some other non Ferrous metal
Coward Gains
Crystal Ball Gazing
Daily Thread
Doesn't understand the subs weird need for Bodily fluids
drilling wives for waka waka
Drunken VUL Prophet. Basically Noah, but with better Shitposts.
Dumbfuck Discussion
Hardcore lithium junkie
Knows a lot about Dick
Koality Content 🐨
Leader of the Communist revolution 👠👠
Legit Discussion
Meme Stock
Mod. Heartwarming, but may burn shit to the ground.
Month to month capitalist
Mr Squiggle
Noob Stuff
OG Lord of Ruin Account
promotes consumption inclusivity
Ready for the inner Journey, but forgot their chem class
Real men drink Rasberry Vodka...
Secretly a carebear.
Seduced by a Cryptocurrency.
Shitposter try hard...With a vengance!
The Kegel King of Blackcomb
Thinks they are the British empire.
Warning:Kidney medicine may lead to stomach ache and knives
Will get his Dad to bash you