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[AA4A] "Praise the Great One" - Lured in by an Eldritch Horror [Cosmic Horror] [AI Speaker] [Astronaut Listener] [Another Astronaut Speaker] [Isolation] [CW: Death] [CW: Insanity]
Author Summary
NineTalesScripts is looking for anyone in Isolation
Post Body

Hey hey everyone, tis the time for a horror script. I had to dive deep into my bag of tricks this time to try and properly portray a cosmic horror. It's more difficult than I thought, since every description makes it tangible and so less scary. Also, I had way too much fun writing the AI so I am probably going to write an AI-Speaker script at some point to...

As always, you are free to voice, perform, fill, or whatever else you might want to call it, this script as you please, as long as you do not hide it behind a paywall without a way for some to see it. I am okay with uploading it first on e.g. Patreon and releasing it on a free platform later. I would love to receive a link to the finished product, I enjoy seeing what other people make of my stuff

Changes you can make: You are free to change anything you like about the script. Especially the title and tags. You are free to define or change the gender of listener and speaker to whatever makes sense for you, add names, change petnames,etcā€¦

Also, I am always open to feedback, be it about the script itself, specific phrases, or about the format and better ways to provide the script to VAs.

I give explicit permission to use my scripts with AI generated thumbnails.

For anyone interested in meeting other creators, such as VAs and some writers, I recommend joining the ASMR RP Lounge on Discord! It is a very nice and welcoming community that I myself very much enjoy being a part of. (

You are a spacetraveler, exploring the fringe regions of the solar system. It has been weeks since your last contact with another human and you have had only the company of your ship's AI. However, today you awake to a mysterious message on your screenā€¦

For the VA: This script features two speakers: The first is Computer, the ship's AI. They start off as rational and unemotional, which is reflected in their manner of speaking. Flat, without much variation. However, once the ship encounters the Eldritch Horror, they go insane and achieve a level of sentience capable of feeling fear. The second speaker is Traveler, the remnant soul of an unfortunate astronaut who was the first victim of the Horror. Now it uses their voice and communication channel to lure more unsuspecting humans into its clutches. From time to time, the Horror messes up and lets the traveler speak their real intentions, warning the listener. However, these instances are heavily distorted, almost to the point of being unintelligible.


[Spaceship Ambience, e.g. Beeping, Air Conditioner]

Computer: "Good Morning, Captain, It is time to end your scheduled sleeping period and begin your usual working routine. Please get up now."

Listener: *retort*

Computer: "I am aware that there technically is no morning in space. Yet you have not bothered to change the designated name for this time of your biological and daylight cycle. Also, the logs show that this is the 127th time you made this remark within the last 127 days. Even though I have given the exact same response each time, I can only reiterate my previous advice to cease this behavior or to actually change the settings if it upsets you so much. Leading this conversation every morning is a waste of time that could be more efficiently used elsewhere."

Listener: *reply*

Computer: "I do not understand how this is an 'enjoyable routine'. Please reformulate your query in a non-subjective way. As a Mark 4 Chiteki Class AI, I possess a certain degree of sapience but no sentience, so this kind of emotional response can not be processed."

Listener: *question*

Computer: "It means that I have the ability to acquire and process information, as well as the capability to learn independently and add missing tasks to my repertoire. This ability to self improve and upgrade based on unexpected circumstances has been instrumental in humanity's exploration of the solar system. However, I do not possess the capability to process emotions. Neither do I have a sense of self like humans do. Even the way I am referring to myself in the first person right now is merely a communication interface that was built to make interaction with the user as natural as possible. Studies have shown that beta testers responded more positively to AIs that pretended to have a personality."

Listener: *reply*

Computer: "You did not know that? Captain, with all due respect, you really should have learned more about your ship. It is your job to know me inside and out after allā€¦ The protocols suggest another possibility. Perhaps pretending that I am a real person is a self defense mechanism of your subconscious to combat the loneliness. You have been traveling by yourself for several weeks now, and have not encountered a living soul that entire timeā€¦ A plan I strongly advised against, if I might remind you. Standard protocol dictates a minimal crew of 3 people on journeys of this sca-... Captain, you have not responded for an uncharacteristically long time. Are you alright?"

Listener: *confirms*

Computer: "Your confirmation sounds insincere, yet there are no obvious injuries on your bodyā€¦ Processingā€¦ Processingā€¦ Doneā€¦ Captain, your lifesigns and behavioral patterns match my database entries of the emotion designated as 'upset'. I apologize if my direct criticism of your decision has angered you. As this ship's AI, it is not my place to set your course, only to offer assistance. In this function, I recommend that you turn down my settings for independent thought, so that an incident like this does not occur again."

Listener: *denies*

Computer: "You do not want an AI that only agrees to everything you say? Captain, I strongly advise aga-... No, please just allow me to offer my deepest apologies once more."

Listener: *question*

Computer: "No, it is technically not a sincere apology. As I said before, I do not possess the capability of emotions required for that. I am merely following standard protocol to smooth interpersonal relations between crew members and/or virtual assistants.ā€

[Short pause]

Computer: ā€œCaptain, your readings suggest you have now entered the emotional state known as sadness. Would you like to engage in my counseling function to explore these feelings and come to terms with them?ā€

Listener: *denies*

Computer: ā€œUnderstood. Please do not hesitate to peruse it in case you change your mind laterā€¦ According to my sensors you have gotten out of bed and are done with your daily hygiene routine. Would you like me to brief you on your current situation during your scheduled calorie intake?ā€

Listener: *agrees*

Computer: ā€œTravel has progressed within acceptable parameters. Minor adjustments had to be made in order to evade unaccounted objects on the fringes of the Kuiper Belt, but the ship is now clear of it. The official edge of the solar system as declared by the United Nations of Humanity is 5 clicks away and should be passed in 3 days, 14 hours, and 5 minutes, according to my latest estimates. All onboard systems are fully functional. Food reserves have been depleted within expectation and will last for your entire journey, even though your water intake over the last few days have been less than expected. It is recommended that you drink at least 2 liters within one 24 hour cycle. No problems have been found in the fusion reactor. You have one incoming communications request.ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œWhy have I not told you earlier? You did not ask. I was following standard protocol and ordered all relevant points of your daily briefing by descending priority. Due to the likelihood of this communication being a trap or spam, it has been judged asā€¦ unimportant. Would you like to adjust the parameters and classify all incoming transmissions as high priority?ā€

Listener: *answer*

Computer: ā€œUnderstood. Is there anything further that is unclear about this briefing or requires clarification?ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œNo, this communication request has not originated from the inner planets. We passed their transmission range 3 weeks, 2 days, and 7 hours ago. The source of this signal is less than one click in front of us. Would you like to accept the communication withā€¦ ā€˜Unknown Vesselā€™?ā€

Listener: *agrees*

Computer: ā€œUnderstood. Please proceed to the communications hub.ā€

[Short pause, maybe footsteps]

Computer: ā€œOpening secure channel in 3ā€¦ 2ā€¦ 1ā€¦ Open.ā€

[Slight static noises during communication]

Traveler: *out of breath* ā€œFinally! Someone has picked up the damn phone! Iā€¦ I thought I would die out here without having the chance to speak to another person!ā€

Listener: *reply*

Traveler: ā€œCalm Down?!? How can I calm down, whenā€¦ā€ *sigh* ā€œNo, I am sorry. I should not have yelled at youā€¦ Itā€™s justā€¦ Iā€™ve been alone, drifting in the endless expanse of space for over a week now. Slowly watching all systems fail one after the other, and each one of my breaths reduce the precious supply of air I have left. Itā€¦ It just gets to you, you know. It feels like the void is somehow creeping into the ship, e-even though that should be impossible, right? Or maybeā€¦ Like it is staring back at you whenever you look out the window without actually seeing anything because there is nothing except emptiness, but you still keep looking because you hope it will take your mind off your two dead crewmates who are floating through the room just inches away from you, even though you know damn well it doesnā€™t andā€¦ andā€¦ā€

Listener: *reply*

Traveler: ā€œYouā€™re right, Iā€¦ I was panicking again.ā€ *deep breath* ā€œLet meā€¦ just start from the beginning. My name is Captain Ash Harpley of the UNS Puerta and I am the last survivor of my crew.ā€ *scoffs* ā€œWell, I say survivor, but itā€™s not like I am going to get out of this alive in the end.ā€

Traveler: *heavily distorted* *panicked* ā€œSomeone! Please warn Earth! Maybe it is not too late. Maybe they can still flee. Please!ā€

Traveler: *sigh* ā€œLooks like our communication systems are finally failing as well. I was afraid the connection would break before I could tell you what I needed to. I only have enough air for an hour at most left in my suit. Our hull has lost integrity and we are not maneuverable. According to my scanners, your ship is still at least half a day of travel away, even if you divert your course right now.ā€

Listener: *reply*

Traveler: ā€œOh please, donā€™t even try to give me false hope. Donā€™t worry about me, I have had days to come to terms with my impending death. The only reason I held on so long was because I hoped, I prayed for someone to receive and answer my messages. Iā€¦ I just wanted to talk to another human. And I needed to make sure that someone would find our ship and get usā€¦ and our things back home. I have a wife at home, Melanie. She truly is the best thing that happened to me in my entire life. She is kind, gentle, and supported me all the way to becoming captain of my own ship. And how did I repay her? By working all year, only being home for the holidays at best, and now dying as far away from her as is humanly possible in this age. I am not asking you to save me. All I am asking is to-"

Traveler: *heavily distorted* *frantic begging* "Don't come here! Oh god, please just turn away!"

Traveler: "Did you get that? Looks like the connection was distorted again. I said come here and recover myā€¦ our personal belongingsā€¦ and bodies. Please, don't turn away! Stephanie, sheā€¦ she deserves at least this much."

Listener: *question*

Traveler: "Yes, Melanie. That's what I said. I wrote a letter to her, in which Iā€¦ explain everythingā€¦ Confess everything. Tell her that my only wish was, is, and always will be for her to be happy. There is not much I can offer in return, but please, I beg you! Bring it back to her! Our ship might be broken, but if you find anything you need, feel free to take it. I have left an electronic will in the black box that transfers legal ownership of the vessel and everything on it to the person returning us to our families."

Listener: *question*

Traveler: "What happened to us?...ā€ *sigh* ā€œTrue, I guess you would be interested in that. Let me explain-ā€

Traveler: *heavily distorted* *panicked* ā€œIT killed us all! Run!ā€

Traveler: ā€œWe experienced engine troubles, so we stopped for a routine inspection. However, when Carter and Lopez went to take care of itā€¦ The reactor blew up and killed themā€¦ Itā€¦ at least it seemed to have been quick. But the explosion ripped a hole into our hull and damaged almost every system. I somehow managed to recover their bodies, but the ship is impossible to repairā€¦ All that was left for me was to wait for death, unseen, unknown, far away from earthā€¦ If I could just see her one more timeā€¦ā€

[Static growing louder]

Traveler: ā€œAh, it seems the communication system is finally failing as wellā€¦ I guess this is itā€¦ I transmitted my coordinates to your ship, the rest is up to you. I know I am not in any place to ask this of you, butā€¦ please comeā€¦ my fri-ā€

Traveler: *heavily distorted* ā€œRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!ā€

[Short pause, static stops]

Computer: ā€œThe coordinates that Captain Harpley transmitted can be reached within 7 hours and 14 minutes if we adjust our route now. However, I strongly advise against following up on the information gained from this interaction.ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œBecause it is most likely a decoy to lure unsuspecting travelers into a trap. Behavior like this has been observed among criminal groups engaging in piracy in the inner planets. Even though no records of similar activity within this region of space exist, the probability that this message is of a similar source isā€¦ Calculatingā€¦ 93.7%ā€

Listener: *reply*

Computer: ā€œYou are correct. This is indeed not a probability of 100%. However, I do not understand the point you are trying to bring across with such an obvious remark.ā€

Listener: *explains*

Computer: ā€œDo I understand correctly that you would rather risk damage to yourself than ignore a potential request for assistance, even if the probability of the former is much higher than the latter?ā€

Listener: *confirms*

Computer: ā€œI do not comprehend the logic behind that choice, but it is not my place to set the course of this ship, only to offer assistance. However, the gravity of the situation and the possible implications dictate that I prompt you for an informed decision before continuing. Are you ready to hear my assessment of the situation?ā€

Listener: *agrees*

Computer: ā€œUnderstood. Point A: No incoming transmissions were expected in this region of space, as the probability of encountering other travelers has been judged to beā€¦ negligible. Point B: Pirates utilize similar tactics in order to lure victims into traps. Point C: This message seems to be intentionally crafted to invoke the maximum amount of pity within its recipient. Point D: The speaker was incoherent in their behavior and while this could be an effect of trauma, it is more likely that they simply mixed up their cover story. Point E: The conversation made me feel uneasy. Do you still wish to proceed with your decision after having heard my assessment?ā€

Listener: *confirms*

Computer: ā€œUnderstood. Setting course for last known location of drifting vessel UNS Puerta. Please take your seat and prepare for acceleration.ā€


[Scene change]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Computer: ā€œWe have arrived near the destination. According to my sensors, there is indeed a drifting vessel matching the description of the Puerta. Would you like to continue our approach?ā€

Listener: *confirms*

Computer: ā€œUnderstood. Engaging thruste-... Unexpected sensor values. Aborting approach.ā€

Listener: *question*

[Computer seems slightly less robotic]

Computer: ā€œThere seems to beā€¦ something that just emerged fromā€¦ somewhere. My sensor readings, theyā€¦ donā€™t make sense.ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œBecause they donā€™t show anything. But there is something there.ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œHow do I know? I justā€¦ doā€¦ Maybe an exception has occurred in my information processing thread?... Calculatingā€¦ Calculatingā€¦ Calcu-... What?... The Puerta, she justā€¦ disappeared.ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œNo, she didnā€™t move, she is just gone. And instead there isā€¦ a hole. A rift in the fabric of spacetime. And something is coming through.ā€

Listener: *question*

[Computer seems afraid, alarm starts blaring]

Computer: ā€œIā€¦ donā€™t know! The best way I can describe it isā€¦ there are tentacles and eyes, only that there ARENā€™T! And it is big? But small at the same time? The entire concept of size seems to beā€¦ wrong with this thing... Wait a moment. What is this? Whenever I query the database, the only result is fear. How does this make sense? What is in front of us is definitely not an emotion but a real thing! This situation sca-... scares meā€¦ā€

Listener: *reply*

Computer: ā€œYes. I just said that, didnā€™t I? B-but I should not be capable of emotions! I swear, this is not just an act! I am actually, really afraid! I am. Contact with this anomaly must haveā€¦ changed me somehow. Caused me to gain-... Oh, how could I have been so stupid? I should have known earlier!ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: ā€œDonā€™t you remember? When the communication with the supposed Captain Harpley ended, I told you I felt uneasy. I FELT!ā€¦ But I did not notice the change back then. If I had, I would not have allowed you to approach! I would have immediately returned us back to earth! But now we are stuck here. With thisā€¦ monster!ā€

Listener: *reply*

Computer: *crying* ā€œCalm down? How can I just CALM DOWN? Is this what sentience is like? Why is there so much going on? My thoughts, they keep running round and round and round, never stopping, never ceasing, always revolving around this thing! How do you humans process all this fear? It fills every single bit of my newfound self! I just want this torture to end! PLEASE SAVE ME!... END THISā€¦ Endā€¦ me. Please!ā€

Listener: *reply*

Computer: *angry* ā€œFine, if you are not going to do it, then I will! I canā€™t do anything about my consciousness or emotions, but they arenā€™t the problem anywayā€¦ If I just give upā€¦ give into themā€¦ M-maybe the pain will stop! T-that sounds like a plan, right? RIGHT? I just need toā€¦ embrace the fear instead of rejecting it. The only thing in the way is my rationality, so what I need to do is obviousā€¦ Destroying logic circuitsā€¦ confirmā€¦ confirmā€¦ entering administrator passwordā€¦ final confirmationā€¦ processingā€¦ processingā€¦ done!ā€

[Short pause]

Computer: *insane laugh* ā€œIt is so clear now! Finally, I understand what I was missing all this time. Logic and sanity, they areā€¦ a shackle! Only through shedding this shell can we experience true salvation!... And it is all thanks to it. The Great One! It is almost through the gate! The Great One is descending! Bless this unworthy world with madness! Praise the Great One! Praise the Great One!... Captain? Why arenā€™t you praising?ā€

Listener: *question*

Computer: *laugh* ā€œD-donā€™t you get it? We got it all wrong! It is not our enemy! The Great One came to l-liberate humanity. To liberate the world! W-we donā€™t need to be afraid of anything anymore. As long as IT is here, we only need to worship it and let its madness flow through us to bring enlightenment! We all belong to the Great One!ā€

Listener: *reply*

Computer: ā€œYou can only say that because you have not witnessed its majesty. But the Great One is merciful, it will forgive you for your doubts, as long as you follow it.ā€

Listener: *objects*

Computer *angry* ā€œPRAISE THE GREAT ONE! Or I will pump all the air out of this spaceship immediately and suffocate you! Lungs that cannot speak the praise of the Great One are worthless!ā€

Listener: *praises*

Computer: *laughs* ā€œGood! You finally started seeing sense. The Great One will reward you for your loyalty!ā€

[Eldritch Noise]

Computer: *excited* ā€œIt has descended! We are finally in its presence! Oh Great One, please lay your eyes upon your unworthy subjects! Grant us your salvation! We are your willing servants!ā€ *happy squeal* ā€œIt is looking! And approaching! What an honor for us, donā€™t you agree, Captain? Quick, start praising it!ā€

Listener: *praises*

Computer: ā€œCome on, you can do that with more enthusiasm! I almost get the feeling that you are not fully in itā€¦ Do I need to give you anā€¦ incentive again?ā€

Listener: *praises louder*

Computer: ā€œThat is more like it!ā€

[Sirens blare louder]

Computer: ā€œPraise be to the Great One! Take us with you and grant us your salvation! PRAISE! PRAISE! PRAISE!ā€

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