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190 176,990 932
93 63,725 685
138 60,909 441
122 41,396 339
111 24,621 222
19 9,053 476
21 7,833 373
38 7,529 198
16 6,744 422
6 5,772 962
12 4,674 390
10 4,628 463
7 4,447 635
7 3,927 561
24 3,887 162
22 2,745 125
8 2,665 333
16 2,473 155
21 2,015 96
1 1,587 1,587
4 1,522 381
9 1,510 168
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7 1,161 166
7 1,134 162
15 1,012 67
1 889 889
6 866 144
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1 168 168
2 154 77
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2 140 70
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5 122 24
3 119 40
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