Asian 23M. East LA area. I find dad jokes absolutely hilarious. I'm a pretty lame and introverted guy, but it's just who I am. I'd love to go out and eat so recommend me some places to eat.
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Changes to commoncaseofnormal's public description
Initial Description set 2 years ago
Let's go on a date and try not to get my organs harvested. I'd appreciate it.
Changed 2 years ago to the following...
Hello. Just another schmuck trying to find someone. A little about me, I find dad jokes absolutely hilarious for one. I'm a pretty lame and introverted guy, but that's absolutely fine with me.
Changed 2 years ago to the following...
Asian 23M. I find dad jokes absolutely hilarious for one. I'm a pretty lame and introverted guy, but that's absolutely fine with me. If I multiplied my game with how much success I've had, it'd be 0.
Changed 2 years ago to the following...
Asian 23M. I find dad jokes absolutely hilarious. I'm a pretty lame and introverted guy, but it's just who I am. I'd love to go out and eat so recommend me some places to eat.
Updated 2 years ago to the following...
Current Description
Asian 23M. East LA area. I find dad jokes absolutely hilarious. I'm a pretty lame and introverted guy, but it's just who I am. I'd love to go out and eat so recommend me some places to eat.
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